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Marketing for Corporate Law Firms: A Complete 2024 Edition

18 min


Apr 6, 2023
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In the competitive world of corporate law, it can be challenging for firms to differentiate themselves and attract the right clients. An effective corporate law firm marketing plan necessitates a combination of creativity, legal know-how, and a deep understanding of the market.

We acknowledge that balancing the demands of a corporate attorney's role with the need for effective marketing can be difficult. That's why our marketing company is committed to supporting you in overcoming these challenges and facilitating your firm's growth.

Embark on a journey through this comprehensive guide, designed to transform your approach to corporate lawyer marketing and set your firm on a path to success, we’ll cover everything, including:

  • What marketing for corporate lawyers is
  • SEO strategies for corporate attorneys
  • Investing in a professional corporate law firm website
  • Measuring your results 
  • Some other marketing strategies on how to get corporate clients

What Is Corporate Lawyer Marketing?

Marketing for corporate law firms is a unique challenge. Unlike other types of legal services, corporate law firms are subject to strict advertising and ethics rules, which can make it harder to market their services effectively while remaining compliant.

Moreover, as corporate law firms do not have the luxury of addressing a single customer persona as, for example, personal injury law firms might, a corporate law firm's online marketing strategy must incorporate website content that will appeal to large organizations and bigger groups of decision-makers.

Online marketing for corporate lawyers

With that in mind, your law firm must limit its use of traditional marketing and incorporate other forms of outreach to connect with your audience.

SEO Strategies for Corporate Attorneys

Search engine optimization (SEO) is an essential marketing tool for corporate law firms, as it helps them to:

  • Improve a law firm's website organic ranking by targeting relevant keywords for a website's content.
  • Improve local visibility by optimizing Google My Business listings and creating content specific to the local area.
  • Establish trust and credibility by demonstrating their expertise in a particular area of law and building trust with potential clients.
  • Drive more qualified leads to a law firm's website, as potential clients are more likely to find the firm when searching for legal services online.

Knowing the extent of what SEO can do for corporate attorneys, the next step is figuring out how to apply those SEO strategies and digital marketing efforts to get the most out of your efforts. 

For a deep dive into the world of search engine optimization, be sure to explore our extensive SEO guide for lawyers, offering invaluable tips and techniques to elevate your firm's online visibility and attract a steady stream of potential clients through organic search results.

Corporate Law Services Keyword Research

Keyword research for corporate lawyers

When it comes to optimizing a website for search engine visibility, keyword research is paramount. Knowing which keywords to target and how to use them effectively is key to getting more corporate clients for your law firm.

The first step in keyword research is to identify the most relevant terms related to your business, the ones other law firms- your competitors- are ranking for. Start by brainstorming a list of words or phrases that potential customers might use when searching for services like yours. Consider the types of questions they might ask, such as 'what is corporate law?' or 'how do I find a corporate law firm?'

Once you have your list, you can use tools like Google AdWords Keyword Planner or Moz Keyword Explorer to get more detailed information about each term. These tools will provide data on search volume, competition level, and other helpful metrics.

E-A-T Content for Corporate Law Website

Creating E-A-T content for a corporate law website is essential to marketing and SEO efforts. E-A-T stands for Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness, so an effective website must demonstrate all three qualities to succeed.

In order to create effective E-A-T content, there are several things to do:

  • Relevant and up-to-date legal information: This should include news and legislative updates and more detailed advice on specific areas of law. 
  • Case studies: Showcasing past successes can build trust and demonstrate expertise. 
  • Client testimonials: These should provide honest feedback from satisfied clients and reassure potential customers that they are making the right choice. 
  • Professional biographies: Introduce the team and their qualifications, plus any awards or professional accolades they have received. 
  • FAQs: Be sure to fully answer frequently asked questions about the firm, its services, and the legal process. 
  • Links to relevant external sources: Provide further reading for visitors who want to learn more about particular topics.

Technical SEO

When it comes to corporate law firm marketing services, technical SEO plays a crucial role in ensuring that a website is easily accessible to search engine bots. It is a subset of the broader field of SEO, encompassing both the technical and creative aspects necessary to improve a website's ranking in the search engine results pages (SERP). 

The main aim of technical SEO is to ensure a website is accessible to the search engine bots that crawl the web and index websites for the search engine results pages. This includes optimizing the website architecture, code, and on-page elements such as titles, metatags, and anchor text. Technical SEO also involves setting up Google Analytics and other webmaster tools to track website traffic and performance.

Corporate Law Firm Website On-Page Optimization

As part of your overall digital marketing strategy, you must optimize your corporate law firm website for maximum search engine visibility to attract potential clients. On-page optimization is a critical and necessary step in achieving this goal. Here are some key on-page optimization tips to help you get started: 

  • Make sure your website is well structured, with appropriate headings and titles that accurately describe the content of each page.
Well-structured headings on a corporate attorney website
  • Make sure your titles and meta descriptions include your target keywords, which will affect how your website appears in the search results.
An example of target keywords
  • For images, always include alt text which describes the image and includes your target keywords.
alt text example
  • Include internal linking to related pages within the website to improve the user experience.
Internal links on a corporate lawyer website
  • Incorporate external links to authoritative sites to increase credibility with visitors and search engines.
An example of external link
  • Set up an XML sitemap to allow search engines to crawl the site easily. 
  • Utilize schema markup to help search engines better understand the page's content. 
  • Make sure your website is optimized for mobile devices so users can easily access your content regardless of their device.

Local SEO Strategies for Corporate Law Firm Marketing

Showcase Your Firm on Legal Directories

A corporate lawyer profile on superlawyers

If your law firm is struggling to establish a foothold due to stiff competition from larger law firms, consider utilizing legal directories. Creating a profile on even one legal directory will make your website easier to find on search engine results pages (SERPs).

How can you make the most of lawyer directories?

  1. Research and select the right directories: Begin by identifying the most reputable and relevant legal directories for your practice area and target audience. Prioritize directories with high traffic, good search engine rankings, and a strong reputation within the legal community.
  2. Complete and optimize your profile: Fill out your profile with accurate and up-to-date information, including your contact details, practice areas, education, and professional experience. Incorporate relevant keywords to improve your profile's visibility in search engine results.
  3. Showcase your expertise: Highlight your skills, experience, and notable cases or transactions to demonstrate your proficiency in your practice area. Include any awards, recognitions, or industry memberships that can attest to your credibility.
  4. Keep your information consistent: Maintain consistent information across all directory listings, including your name, address, and phone number (NAP). Consistency helps improve your local search rankings and strengthens your online presence.
  5. Monitor and update your listings regularly: Regularly review and update your directory profiles to ensure the information remains accurate and up-to-date.

To learn even more, don't miss our comprehensive legal directories guide for lawyers, where you'll discover the ins and outs of listing your practice in top directories, boosting your firm's reputation and visibility among potential clients.

Our corporate law firm marketing agency is ready to navigate your unique challenges and elevate your practice. Let us manage your marketing while you focus on your expertise. Join us today for a successful journey.

Optimize Your Attorney Google My Business Profile

Google My Business for corporate lawyers

As an attorney, you understand the importance of online visibility and reputation. Your potential clients search online for legal help, and you want to ensure they can find you. Optimizing your Attorney's Google My Business profile is one way to do this.

Here are a few tips on how to optimize your Attorney Google My Business profile:

  • Make sure your profile is complete and up-to-date. Include your law firm’s name, address, phone number, website, and a brief practice area description.
  • Add photos and videos. People are visual, so adding images and videos to your profile will help it stand out.
  • Use keyword-rich descriptions. When potential clients search for an attorney, they will use specific keywords. Make sure your profile includes these keywords so you can easily be found.
  • Accumulate customer reviews. The simplest way is to ask your clients to leave a review after using your product or service. You can also include a link to your GMB listing in your email signature or website.

For more in-depth information on optimizing your online presence, be sure to check out our detailed Google My Business guide for attorneys, which will provide you with valuable insights and actionable steps to enhance your firm's visibility and credibility in the digital space.

Build Citations for Your Corporate Law Firm

Citations are third-party references to your business, such as local listings, reviews, articles, and press releases. Increasing your number of citations will help build trust with potential clients and search engines. There are several ways to build citations for your corporate law firm.

  1. Create listings on popular online directories, such as Google My Business, Yelp, and Yellow Pages. Make sure all your listings are accurate and up-to-date.
  2. Reach out to local publications and ask if they would be willing to feature your firm in their content. This could include interviews, case studies, or even sponsored posts.
  3. You should also take advantage of social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn to post information about your firm and link to your website.
  4. Reach out to other businesses in the legal industry and offer to collaborate on content that both parties can benefit from.

Add Attorney Schema MarkUp

Schema markup is a code you can add to your website to help search engines understand your content. When you add schema markup to your website, you're giving search engines a roadmap of your site so they can better understand and index your content.

If you're unfamiliar with schema markup, there's no need to worry. Adding schema markup to your website is a relatively simple process and plenty of resources are available to help you get started.

You can either use a plugin or add the code manually. Whichever way you choose, ensure you're familiar with the basics of schema markup before you start. And once you've added the code to your website, don't forget to test it to ensure it works properly.

Link-Building for Corporate Lawyer Marketing

Link building is getting other websites to link to pages on your website. The goal is to have these pages rank higher and attract more search traffic, which will raise the 'authority' of your pages on Google. But how do you go about building links to your content? 

  • Create a website or blog specific to corporate law topics and include links to other relevant websites.
  • Reach out to legal-related publications, directories, and blogs and request link exchanges.
  • Submit articles to legal-related publications with backlinks to your website or blog. 
  • Take advantage of social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn to share content and gain followers. 
  • Offer guest blogging opportunities on your website or blog in exchange for backlinks. 
  • Participate in online forums related to corporate law and provide helpful advice while including links to your website or blog. 
  • Connect with influencers in the corporate law market and request to partner on projects, which provides an opportunity for link building. 
  • Conduct interviews with respected corporate lawyers and post them on your website with backlinks. 
  • Join local business groups and organizations related to corporate law and promote your services. 
  • Submit press releases about any new developments or newsworthy events related to your corporate law practice.
  • Create shareable content like infographics or law firm videos highlighting aspects of corporate law and linking to your website.

Invest in a Professional Corporate Law Firm Website

An example of orporate lawyer website

A great plan of digital marketing for lawyers will consistently yield a high volume of quality web traffic. But what sort of content will clients be greeted by when your legal marketing campaign successfully funnels them to your website? Hopefully, the answer is a dynamic, captivating, informative, user-friendly, mobile-device-compatible website.

Practice Area Power Pages

Practice area pages are just what they sound like- descriptive pages highlighting your practice areas. They must provide prospective clients with important information and details, such as what you do, how you will help with their corporate cases, how to contact you, etc.

Practice area pages should include the following: 

  • A comprehensive overview of the firm’s corporate law practice, including its attorneys, services, and areas of expertise. 
  • Detailed descriptions of the firm’s key practice areas, such as mergers & acquisitions, intellectual property, corporate finance, securities law, contract negotiation, and labor & employment law. 
  • Links to recent news stories and press releases related to the firm’s corporate law practice. 
  • The firm’s attorneys' profiles provide information on each attorney’s qualifications, experience, bar memberships, awards, and speaking engagements. 
  • Clear navigation buttons and search functions allow users to access the necessary information quickly. 
  • Contact forms and phone numbers, so potential clients can easily contact the firm. 
  • Testimonials from former clients demonstrating the firm’s commitment to quality service. 
  • Links to other resources, such as industry reports, legal blogs, and external websites.


Google reviews

Reviews can be used to showcase the firm’s experience and professionalism and demonstrate the quality of its services. So when clients see them, they are able to gauge which firm to proceed with.  

Here are some tips on how to get reviews from clients: 

  • Ask satisfied clients to leave reviews on your website or social media pages. 
  • Seek out referrals from existing clients. 
  • Send out customer satisfaction surveys to gauge client experiences. 
  • Utilize customer review sites such as Yelp or Google My Business.

Feature Top Corporate Case Studies and Testimonials

An example of case results

Word-of-mouth marketing techniques like case studies and testimonials both start with the customer's experience as the basis of their campaigns. In terms of structure and intended audience, there are some significant distinctions between them.

A case study examines in depth a client's case and the steps you've taken to address it. Testimonials are direct quotations from past clients promoting corporate law services to contribute to the growth of a reliable reputation.

Attorney Biographies

An example of biography

When creating your legal marketing strategy and enhancing your website, ensure that it includes attorney biographies. This will create feelings of trust and loyalty towards your law firm, especially if you follow through by offering exemplary service.

Engaging Content

Law firm marketing strategies should involve adding engaging content to their website. Most of this content should be in written form, however, you can also create video content as many people find videos easier to digest. Content you can add to your website includes: 

  • Educational legal blog posts cover corporate law's basics and how it impacts businesses.
  • Interviews with prominent corporate law lawyers to discuss their experiences, successes, and insights. 
  • News updates on changes to corporate law regulations and any court decisions that could affect businesses. 
  • Comprehensive guides for business owners on best complying with corporate laws. 
  • Podcasts featuring interviews with experienced attorneys about complex topics relating to corporate law. 
  • Articles exploring the history of corporate law and what has changed over the years. 
  • Videos analyzing landmark cases and providing an in-depth look at the legal implications. 
  • Infographics summarizing key points from corporate law rulings and regulations.

Mobile-Friendly Format + Positive UX

To achieve a mobile-friendly format and positive user experience, the firm should invest in creating a responsive website that will scale to fit any device size while ensuring content is displayed correctly. Additionally, they should focus on providing a streamlined navigation system and intuitive user interface. 

Advanced techniques such as progressive web apps (PWAs) and Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) can further enhance the overall mobile experience by allowing faster loading times and smoother interactions. Not to mention, incorporating voice search, geolocation services, and push notifications can help create an even more engaging user experience. 


FAQ section

The FAQs page may seem unimportant when it comes to law firm marketing. While it is true that a FAQs page is unlikely to generate many leads for your law firm, this page is a sought-after resource that site visitors will appreciate.

A FAQs page should contain a relatively long list of commonly asked questions. The answers that you provide to these questions should be short, concise, and to the point. You should publish long-form responses on your service pages and blog content.

PPC Strategies for Corporate Lawyer Marketing

 PPC for corporate lawyer

Paid search, also known as pay-per-click (PPC), is a popular internet advertising method that allows advertisers to bid on certain keywords related to their products or services. This improves the relevancy of their ads and allows them to be matched with their ideal customers. The advertiser only pays when a user clicks on the ad, which can help reduce costs.

There are several ways to undertake PPC strategies, including developing targeted ads on search engines, retargeting ads on social media platforms, and creating sponsored content. Some of the benefits of a successful PPC campaign include the following: 

  1. Increased visibility – PPC campaigns can help corporate lawyers establish their presence in the digital space and increase brand awareness. 
  2. More qualified leads – By targeting specific demographics, PPC campaigns can help corporate lawyers attract more relevant leads that are likely to convert. 
  3. Increased ROI – PPC campaigns provide an effective way for corporate lawyers to measure their marketing efforts, allowing them to optimize their campaigns for better ROI. 
  4. Flexibility – PPC campaigns can easily be adjusted and refined to target potential customers better.
  5. Targeted ads. Paid search allows you to create highly targeted ads based on specific keywords and demographics, making it easier to pinpoint your ideal customers and reach out to them at just the right time.

To further amplify your marketing efforts and drive results, don't miss our comprehensive PPC guide for lawyers, where you'll uncover expert strategies and best practices for creating high-converting ad campaigns that bring in quality leads for your law firm.

Other Marketing Strategies to Get More Corporate Clients

Consider Email Marketing Campaigns for Your Corporate Law Firm

An example of email campaign

Sending direct mail to the emails of decision-makers who work for your sought-after accounts is one of the most effective ways to acquire new clients. Despite their effectiveness, direct mail campaigns are grossly underutilized. This is likely due to the misbelief that email-based communication is an antiquated medium that is on its way out.

Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing for law firms is a must if you want to get more corporate law clients. With so many people online, it's the best way to reach potential clients and build business relationships with them. Below are some tips for using some social media platforms and for what.

  1. Use LinkedIn to find potential clients. LinkedIn is a great platform for connecting with other legal professionals and a great way to find potential clients. Search for corporate law firms in your area and connect with those working there.
  2. Use Facebook to build relationships. Facebook is about building relationships, so use it to connect with potential clients. Share relevant articles, post helpful tips, and engage in conversations.
  3. Use Twitter to share news and updates about your firm. You can also use Twitter to engage with potential clients and build relationships.

Live Meetings

When marketing your services, you should think about having live meetings instead of cold calls or emails. If you can get face-to-face meetings with your potential audience—either at your office or a legally acceptable location—then you have a much better chance of convincing them to hire you than if you just send out emails or cold call them out of the blue.

Get in Touch With In-House Corporate Lawyers

If you want to get in touch with an in-house corporate lawyer, try sending them an email or giving them a call. Write a personalized email message with information about your firm and its services. Furthermore, you can use several other methods to reach out to them. One of the best ways is by attending networking events for lawyers and other professionals. Another way is through online networking sites like LinkedIn. You can also engage with them through social media.

If you want to get in touch with an in-house corporate lawyer, try sending them an email or a phone call. If they are not available, try leaving a voice message.

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Measuring Your Results

Understanding your marketing efforts' effectiveness can be a great way to maximize your return on investment. To accurately measure your results, you should track metrics such as website visitors, lead conversions, referrals, email open rates, and social media interactions. Setting goals within your analytics system will help you track progress over time. 

  1. You can track website visitors using tools like Google Analytics, which will allow you to see how many people are visiting your website, where they are coming from, and how long they stay on the site. 
  2. Lead conversions can be measured by tracking the number of leads generated from each source, such as organic search, paid ads, and referral traffic. 
  3. Referrals can be tracked through a dedicated form or page that captures the data at sign-up time. 
  4. Email campaigns should also have an opt-in form with an associated conversion rate to see how many people open and click through your emails. 

Not to mention, you can use social media analytics to measure likes, shares, comments, and other forms of engagement with your content. You can also use surveys, interviews, or focus groups to measure customer satisfaction and the effectiveness of your strategies.

Leverage Corporate Marketing Services for Law Firms

Marketing for corporate law firms is a multifaceted process that requires extensive research, analysis, and planning. Our priority in this article was to provide you with information about the various elements of marketing for corporate law attorneys and how they can be used as an effective business strategy.

What's left is for you is to implement these strategies. While it's possible to navigate some of these challenges on your own, doing so will require a significant devotion of time, energy, and resources, as well as trial and error, which you may not be able to do.

The simpler solution is to hire an experienced marketing agency, like Grow Law Firm. We provide a comprehensive suite of corporate law firm marketing services, including law firm SEO services, website design, setting up a PPC campaign, all with goal of growing your firm's revenue. We can help your firm create a game plan that produces measurable results.

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