Lead Generation For Lawyers: Because in 2025 Practicing Law Isn’t Enough

Learn how to get your perfect cases with high-impact lead-generation strategies for 2025.

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21 min


Sasha Berson

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Lead generation for lawyers is not rocket science, even though we want you to believe it is. We want you to think that landing quality cases can only be done by our legal marketing experts and no one else. And it’s not just us – every law firm marketing agency out there thinks the same. But don’t believe them…or us. 

Heck, I created the title of this article with AI! But trust me, from one lawyer to another, modern online lead generation is not rocket science. However, the good old days of slapping an ad in the Yellow Pages (for way too much $$, btw) and forgetting about marketing for the year are long over. 

Those ancient days went the way of the Dodo and beepers. In 2025’s world, every lawyer has to be a marketer, for better or worse. And they still don’t teach this in law school…yet. Even though we're not landing on the moon with SpaceX, lead generation for lawyers is technical enough that you don't want to leave it to just anyone.

To grow your law firm, you must hire the best online marketers your money can buy. And that’s us. But like I said, don’t just trust what we say– we’ll prove it to you. In this article, we’ll cover effective lawyer lead-generation strategies to help you attract high-value legal clients and scale your practice. Let’s dive in.

What Is Lead Generation for Lawyers?

Lead generation is a fancy marketing term that describes attracting potential paying clients for legal services. Expert lawyer marketing firms like ours don’t just work for large firms; even small law firms can generate a steady flow of law firm leads with a strategic marketing plan designed specifically for your firm in your geographic region.

A prospective client becomes a lead when they reach out to you in several ways, including: 

What Is Lead Generation for Lawyers?
  • Calling the law firm to schedule a consultation
  • Filling out a contact form 
  • Leaving a comment on a blog post
  • Responding to a live chat box on a website
  • Sending an email / replying to an email newsletter

Offering a free consultation is still a standard promoted by most law firms to entice leads for lawyers, even though the notion of a “free consultation” is baked into our lexicon and is expected in most cases. In today’s world, a free consultation doesn’t need to be over the phone, but can also take place via a Zoom/video call.

Why Is Lead Generation Important for Law Firms?

There’s no one-size-fits-all magic marketing bullet that we have in our arsenal. The most important lead generation strategy for lawyers is consistency, consistency, consistency. And let’s say that one more time, consistency. By using our proven law firm lead generation strategies over time, you can build a pipeline of attorney leads knocking on your website’s door and your real door.

We all know that potential clients can find your law firm online in several ways, including: 

  • When their Google search leads them to your website
  • When they click on a paid ad somewhere online
  • When they find your website through your social media channels
  • When they provide their contact information on another website, which provides their contact information to you
  • And many other ways

The point of all this is that we can develop and implement not just one strategy but multiple successful tools and tactics that will bring in exclusive leads—and not just any leads, but cases that you would rank up there with your “perfect case."

In marketing-speak, this pipeline of potential clients is called a “sales funnel.” Think of what a funnel does and apply this concept to potential leads. Your sales funnel should be a streamlined multi-stage process that collects a lot of potential leads at the top and pours out great clients at the bottom.

We can help you design your sales funnel to take maximum advantage of our proven marketing strategies. A constantly active sales funnel is crucial for the success of any law firm. Without active and well-executed lead-generation efforts and strategies, a law firm may have to rely solely on referrals and word-of-mouth, which is unreliable. A referral dry spell can lead to a slump in business, making it difficult to plan for growth and protect the firm's financial health.

You must implement effective inbound digital marketing strategies that pull people into the funnel, allowing you to demonstrate your expertise and become their lawyer before they even know they want to sign up with your law firm.

There are also several other benefits of lead generation services for law firms.

Benefits for Focused Lead Generation for Lawyers

Signing up profitable cases isn’t the only benefit law firms can realize from an effective sales funnel operation. Our tailored marketing strategies create other non-tangible benefits, including: 

Benefit 1: Grow Your Law Firm Brand Awareness

If law firm leads come from your website, these people have the opportunity to learn about your law firm before they reach out to you. They can read your practice area content, look at your case results or client testimonials, and watch videos on your website. When they sit down to discuss their legal matter with you, they will feel like they know you and your expertise. 

Even if a potential case doesn’t get through the sales funnel and isn’t signed, you’ve nonetheless established your law firm as the specialist. All of these people have a zone of influence over their family and friends, which could lead to future referrals. 

Benefit 2: You Can Gather Information Before You Speak to the Lead

Your intake process can allow you to obtain information about your potential clients before the initial consultation. Your case evaluation form can provide a section for comments, or if a prospective client calls your firm, your receptionist can ask a few specific questions. You can use this information to personalize your response and determine the best lawyer at your law firm to meet with them. 

Even if the case isn’t signed, at the very least, you can add the contact information to your other marketing databases. With many law firms, this contact information is an untapped gold mine.

Watch our webinar to learn what lawyers who make >$500k/year do to consistently get more quality cases and learn the two MAJOR mistakes small law firms make with digital lead generation.

Marketing for the Perfect Case–Or How You Caught the Big Fish

There’s a saying in marketing that if you want to catch little fish, stay in shallow water. But to catch the big one, you've got to go deeper. We aren’t calling your clients fish, of course, but you get the idea. The point is that many law firms spend A LOT of money on marketing efforts that are scatter-shot at best or downright antiquated at worst. Just understand that we aren’t your Dad’s marketing agency. 

In our opinion, the best lead generation services for lawyers are bespoke systems that will bring not just one lead that you may or may not sign but quality lead after quality lead - indefinitely. When this happens regularly over time, you then can hone your marketing strategy to focus on generating leads for lawyers that match your ideal client profile. Every lawyer has the perfect case in mind. Why not spend your precious treasure on landing that big fish every time?

Now that you understand the importance of digital lead generation, here are some of the foundational strategies that every law firm should implement to maximize your success:

Invest in a High-Performance Law Firm Website

Even though we told you that this isn’t rocket science, it is a scientific process based on hard data and proven strategies. Gone are the days when a firm’s website was merely a glorified business card. Our expertise and forward-thinking allow us to do so much more for our law firm clients.

A professional law firm's website containing useful, authoritative content allows prospective clients in all stages of the sales funnel to find you through Google when searching for keyword phrases related to their cases. Continuously optimizing a law firm's website for those keyword phrases can convert leads into quality clients and enhance your brand identity. 

Page speed is a primary starting point. You can check your current website’s page speed on Google's PageSpeed Insights tool or at webpagetest.org.

Invest in a High-Performance Law Firm Website

Page load speed is something many lawyers don’t realize is important for Google’s search algorithms. The first few seconds your potential clients spend on your website will directly affect conversion rates. Just think for a second how annoying it is when you log onto a site, and it’s slow to load or freezes up. Once your page loads (hopefully quickly), the real first impression begins. At this point, a potential client has made it through a portion of your sales funnel and reached your website. Don’t lose that client with a lagging site. 

These are the basic qualities your law firm's website should have: 

  • Professional in appearance
  • Load quickly and seamlessly
  • Able to navigate smoothly and intuitively
  • Have a security certificate (HTTPS)
  • Optimize media (compress images down without altering quality) 
  • Constructed to be mobile-friendly on any device - and incorporate modern website design elements.

Create Powerful Landing Pages to Capture Leads

A landing page is a standalone web page designed to focus attorney leads on a single, specific action. Landing pages are where traffic ends up from searches, PPC ads, paid social promotions, or articles on other websites.

For example, when a potential client searches on Google for slip and fall lawyers in Seattle or DWI criminal defense lawyers in Houston, Google's goal is to list the most valuable, relevant websites for that particular search parameter. Google often updates its search algorithm to produce search listings that are consistently relevant, high-quality, and helpful, prioritizing websites with valuable content that directly addresses users' search queries.

Conversely, Google devalues sites (ranks them lower on the search list) with low-quality, unoriginal, static, or spammy content.

Our job is to make your website easy for Google’s search bots to crawl and provide regularly updated and valuable information to users rather than content created primarily for search engine optimization. Mind you, it’s ok and necessary to create content that is search engine optimized (SEO), but first and foremost your website has to contain truly useful information.

These are the basic qualities your landing pages should have: 

  • Relevant and useful to your website visitors 
  • Persuasive with prominent value propositions
  • New and useful content written with SEO best practices, such as researched keywords, meta tags, descriptions, and headers.
  • Clear and emotional calls to action– tell the clients exactly what they should do next and what’s at stake if they don’t take action

Leverage Search Engine Optimization for Lawyer Lead Generation

Leverage Search Engine Optimization for Lawyer Lead Generation

Search engine optimization (SEO) involves using multiple strategies, techniques, and tools to improve a website's position on Google’s search engine results page (a SERP).

Unlike paid search advertising, you don't pay for your Google search placement. Google determines your website’s position on a Google SERP by having its crawlers scour the internet (including your website) for content that Google deems relevant and valuable.

Unlike paid ads (PPC), law firm SEO best practices can create organically sourced high-quality leads that don’t cost a thing. SEO best practices for law firms include some of the following: 

  • Having website pages that Google web crawlers or bots can index for desktop and mobile browsers. 
  • Using relevant keywords, phrases, and description text that is natural sounding (not forced) and actually relates to the website content.
  • Utilizing off-site SEO to signal the website's relevance to Google. 
  • Incorporating schema markup to instruct search engines on how to use content.
  • Demonstrating the website is secure with an SSL security certificate (renewed yearly).

Almost all lawyers don’t have enough time in the day to become experts at SEO and write their own copy. The point is for you to do what you do best– winning cases! SEO is one of the most powerful tools for attracting new, quality clients. But doing law firm SEO the right way requires significant resources, consistency, and a long-term commitment.

And we don’t forget about local SEO. Local search optimization for lawyers is similar to organic search results but tailored to potential clients in nearby areas, including neighborhoods, zip codes, cities, and counties. According to Hubspot, nearly half of all Google searches are from people looking to find local information, which makes sense. Most clients don’t want a lawyer from across the state. They want to find the “local expert” and the best lawyer in the area for their particular legal needs.

Just like with any service, why do it yourself when you can hire the attorney lead generation experts? That’s where we come in. Earlier, I told you that I’d prove to you what we can do. Now’s the time to see what an SEO agency like Grow Law Firm can do.

Client Spotlight

The Jacob D. Fuchsberg Law Firm is a respected NYC-based personal injury law firm known for its track record of securing multi-million dollar settlements in personal injury, medical malpractice, and birth injury cases. However, the firm's digital presence failed to reflect its courtroom success.

Before hiring Grow Law Firm, the firm’s cost per client acquisition was steadily rising with their previous marketing agency. Additionally, their website's conversion rate was underwhelming due to poor positioning. This led to a struggle to stand out in online searches even though it had an impressive case history.

After analyzing their firm’s overall online presence, we developed a tailored strategy to address their specific challenges. Our approach focused on:

  • Website redesign and optimization
  • SEO and content marketing
  • Conversion rate optimization

With our guidance, in under 2 years, they saw their conversions increase by 298%, providing a steady stream of potential cases. The qualified leads increased by 285%, turning more visitors into potential clients. And free, organic traffic grew by 147%, expanding the firm's online visibility and strengthening their digital authority.

They've secured top positions for highly competitive keywords such as "civil liberties lawyer" and "federal civil rights attorney" in Google searches. Here are just a few of our happy law firm clients and the amazing results we’ve accomplished for them.

Use Paid Advertising for Lead Generation

Google ads for law firm rankings have been around since the beginning of Google in 1998. For many law firms, paid search is just one spoke of the marketing wheel to generate attorney leads and profitable cases. Paid search can be a trusted and dependable source of traffic to a website and one of the most reliable lead-generation sources for lawyers.

The above screenshot demonstrates the placement of paid lawyer ads for family law attorneys in Chicago. These listings will be at the top of any Google SERP. It’s possible to set up and run a PPC campaign by yourself. However, hiring a qualified PPC agency that specializes in lawyer marketing is one of the most profitable decisions you can make. 

Do you want a higher ROI from your law firm’s PPC advertising? For a 12-month campaign, the monthly investment in The Grow Law Firm agency to manage your campaign can both save you money and make you money. And we haven’t even mentioned our expert ad copywriters yet. 

Our team of legal marketing professionals knows about targeted online advertising ads and how to write effective ad copy to first attract and then convert potential leads. We consistently create strong, convincing copy and compelling visuals for all of our advertising campaigns.

We also leverage Google Local Service Ads program, which is a pay-per-lead model (as opposed to a pay-per-click model). The benefit of law firms advertising on Local Service Ads is that Google performs a background and license check to verify the lawyer is in good standing and provides a “badge” proving it has been Google Screened.

Google Screened

Use Email Marketing to Create Future Clients

Email marketing is another necessary lead-generation tool that can provide your law firm with quality cases. The secret of email marketing is that it’s not just for funneling current cases to your law firm’s landing pages. The magic of email marketing for lawyers is that it makes you the prospect’s lawyer before they even know they need one. 

Nurturing potential leads with email marketing creates an unending supply of potential future clients. The more personal emails you have in your marketing database, the more successful your email campaigns will be. There are three common ways to get potential client’s emails:

  • Blog subscription: A form on your blog can prompt website visitors to subscribe to your blog to be notified when new posts are published. 
  • Email newsletter signup: A form on your blog can prompt website visitors to sign up for a monthly newsletter.
  • Gated content: You can offer a downloadable e-book or lead magnet resource guide in exchange for potential clients providing their email addresses.
  • Collect contact information for anyone who contacts your firm, whether you take their case or not.

The content contained in email marketing campaigns can be highly flexible, allowing you to send specific, beneficial information to select groups of people. This tool is perfect for informing email recipients of new laws, important cases, or cutting-edge news stories your potential clients might be interested in. It also establishes you as the expert who can be relied upon for the most up-to-date information.

"The better your intake process, the fewer leads you need to generate the same amount of revenue."
— Sasha Berson

The All-Encompassing Power of Social Media Marketing

The All-Encompassing Power of Social Media Marketing

If your law firm isn’t using some form of social media marketing in 2025, you are missing the boat. Remember that babies born at the turn of the century are now 25-year-old young adults that need lawyers. GenZers use social media as an extension of themselves, for better or worse. Law firms that want to get the most out of their marketing budget must accept this reality and harness the power of social media marketing.

Now, we’re not suggesting your law firm’s managing partner should do TicTok dance videos (although that would be fun!). However, with emerging technology combined with social trends, law firms have to use every tool available, within reason, to reach prospective leads.

Your law practice can engage with your community, prospective clients, and existing clients through many social media channels. However, converting leads for attorneys from social media may be difficult, especially initially. But as with every marketing strategy, consistently using your social media platforms will generate traffic and leads to your website. 

Your social media content, however, can’t be boring or look like one long infomercial. There are ways to harness the power of social media without losing the veneer of professionalism and respectability. To ensure success, you should post content that increases engagement, such as: 

  • Professionally produced, short attention-grabbing videos full of useful information
  • Content discussing actual legal issues (not just ads for your brand) that matter to your target audience
  • Interactive surveys and polls 
  • Fun contests and giveaways 
  • Sharing other people's content
  • Follow and post about relevant trending topics

The data behind using social media tools is robust. We can determine which days and times of the week get the most views and match that with specific content. This allows us to increase engagement with information that your potential leads want to see.

All of this creates the notion that your lawyers are the experts and the best at what you do, even before the new leads realize they need your services. Top-notch digital marketing agencies like Grow Law Firm can develop and implement a campaign that weaves cutting-edge social media marketing into your firm’s overall brand-building and lead-generation marketing strategy.

Long-Form Content Marketing

People searching for legal services want useful, honest answers that they can find easily, not just bland, spammy content. Well-written long-form content (1,000 - 7,500 words) that goes in-depth into practice areas or important legal topics can propel a law firm's practice area page to the top of a search engine. It also demonstrates your law firm as the go-to establishment for expert legal advice in a particular area of law.

Long-form content primarily includes practice area landing pages, articles, blog posts, infographics, videos, and legal podcasts (as well as social media posts mentioned above). Remember, your website is only as current as your latest content, and consistently posting new or updated content is the key to driving traffic to your website every month.

— Blogging for Leads

The data that can be gleaned from site traffic is amazing. It can open up your eyes as to what type of specific content is successful and has a lot of quality views and what has been a waste of effort.

For example, by sharing information through blogs, law firms can effectively generate site traffic, making it one of the most effective forms of internal lead generation for lawyers. According to a Hubspot statistic, businesses with a dynamic blog receive 55% more traffic to their website due to increased organic search traffic.

Blogs can cover any topic related to your legal practice, but we find niche blogs targeting a specific area of law excellent. Having many posts about a specific type of case or a particular area positions the lawyer as a subject matter expert (SME).

— Digital Books and Legal Guides

Gated content requires users to provide their contact information before accessing it, allowing you to add that information to your marketing database. Businesses often use this type of content to encourage prospects to share their personal information and establish relationships with them, thereby increasing sales. Gated content can take many forms - but legal resource guides and downloadable e-books in .pdf format are popular. 

Offering legal guides or PDFs without contact information can also be a strategic competitive advantage. Without the need to gate content, such resources can be indexed on your website to give greater visibility and drive more leads through search engine optimization (SEO). Ultimately, whether to use gated content comes down to the custom digital marketing strategy Grow Law Firm has specifically developed for your law firm.

FAQ Pages

FAQ pages can provide an invaluable source of information to potential clients and organic search rankings.

FAQ Pages

Ensure your FAQ page is comprehensive enough to answer all pertinent questions and is relevant to the topic. If you have already posted FAQs on your website, you can use Google Analytics Content Drilldown to identify content that doesn't have many views or is performing poorly and can be optimized. The benefits of FAQs are that they are easily created and can be updated frequently with new and trending topics when necessary.

Seek Out and Manage Positive Referrals

In 2025, your law firm's reputation isn’t built in the conference room or the courtroom; it’s built online. With the advent of social media and the speed it takes to share information, one bad review from a former client can seriously hurt a law firm’s reputation. 

The least amount of damage from a bad review could cause dozens of potential new clients to choose your competition. The famous quote from Warren Buffett, “It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it,” is true.

Any law firm with a presence online should be concerned with reviews and reputation management. It is not enough to sit back and wait and see who leaves a review when your competition is asking clients to write Google lawyer reviews

Join Sasha Berson as he speaks with Ian Altman, B2B Growth Advisor
Ian Altman

Ian Altman

Founder of Same Side Selling Academy

Ian Altman is a leading growth advisor and bestselling author recognized globally as one of the top sales experts. He applies the insights gained from founding multiple companies to billion-dollar valuations in his work helping clients modernize sales and marketing.

As founder of the top-ranked Same Side Selling Academy and author of the book of the same name, Ian teaches strategic methods for determining fit with leads and building trust. Through energetic keynotes, he inspires audiences to transform their approaches.

Just One Quick Call Can Raise Your Law Firm to New Heights. Level Up Today and Call Our Experts!

We understand that, as lawyers, you can’t call yourselves “The Experts” in your advertising without getting into trouble with the ethics board. But we can! At Grow Law Firm, simply stated, this is what we do. We are THE experts in this field.

Many lawyers say that the online legal market is too crowded and quality leads are too few. Funny…they used to say the same thing about the Yellow Pages. But with the right help, law firms can stay on top of their lead generation processes and regularly tweak them to get the best results possible.

Our law firm clients avoid expensive trial-and-error mistakes and generate leads efficiently and effectively. Many of our clients have worked with different attorney lead generation services, and we are familiar with their lackluster results. If you are in this position and feel stuck with a law firm marketing agency that is not producing what it promised, help is right around the corner.

To learn more about how Grow Law Firm can create the blueprint to change your world, and receive your free Law Firm Growth Plan, contact us today!

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