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Business Lawyer Marketing Guide: Get Noticed By Big Businesses

Supercharge your business law practice with our comprehensive marketing guide for lawyers.

17 min


Apr 4, 2024
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Business lawyers face a wide range of challenges in the ever-changing legal landscape. These include staying competitive, staying up to date on the latest laws and regulations, and finding new ways to reach potential legal clients. Business law firm marketing can help lawyers address these challenges by providing powerful tools to reach more people and promote their services. Without it, law firms will inevitably struggle to bring in the kind of revenue they really want.

With digital marketing for business lawyers, you can create campaigns that target specific audiences and optimize their content for search engine result pages (SERPs). Here are a few business lawyer marketing strategies to hel you get started

  • Optimize Your Website
  • Provide Useful Content
  • Leverage Local SEO
  • Start a PPC Campaign
  • Showcase Your Credentials

What Is Business Law Firm Marketing?

Business lawyer marketing is a specialized form of marketing and advertising used by a business litigation practice to promote their services to clients who wish to be represented or get advice on civil lawsuits. Marketing for business lawyers involves a variety of tactics that can help a business practice to

  • showcase its expertise in the legal field;
  • increase its visibility in the legal community; 
  • establish credibility and trust with current and potential clients;
  • identify potential business leads and get more business law firm clients;
  • stay up-to-date on industry trends;
  • create a more efficient workflow;
  • build a strong online presence.

These tactics may include search engine optimization (SEO) services, pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, email campaigns, social media outreach, networking, and other methods of increasing visibility. The goal of business lawyer marketing services is to attract more clients and build a successful business practice. When done correctly, it can be highly beneficial to a law firm and its attorneys.

Get Your Business Law Firm Noticed with an Eye-Catching Website

how to create an eye-catching website

As a business practice, your law firm website is the face of your firm. It's the first stop for many potential clients and a great way to show off your firm's experience and expertise. It is your opportunity to show potential clients who you are and what you can do for them. But in a crowded marketplace, how can you make sure your website stands out from the rest?

Here are some tips to help you create an eye-catching business law firm website that will get your firm noticed:

  • Use strong visuals. Potential clients should be able to glance at your website and get a sense of your firm's style and capabilities.
  • Use clear and concise language. Avoid legal jargon and make sure your content is easy to understand.
  • Highlight your successes. Use client testimonials, achievements and awards, case studies, and media coverage to show potential clients what you have accomplished.
  • Make it easy to contact you. Include your contact information for clients to contact you and a contact form to enable you to contact clients.  
  • Add informative content. Create a blog with articles educating clients, an FAQ page to answer questions, business reports, or a news page to give clients an insight into business litigation. 

Since an eye-catching website showcases your firm's strengths as part of your business lawyer marketing plan, you need to optimize it and make sure it is mobile-friendly.

— Optimize Your Business Law Firm Website

How to optimize your business law firm website

When optimizing your business litigation law firm website, keep your target audience in mind and ensure that your website reflects your values and goals as a company.

Here are a few tips to help you optimize your business law firm website:

  • Make sure your website is user-friendly. The site navigation should be easy so visitors can easily find what they're looking for. 
  • Use strong keywords. When potential clients search for a lawyer online, they typically use specific keywords or phrases. Make sure your site is optimized for these keywords to attract more visitors.
  • Prioritize your website visuals. An appealing website should include high-quality images and videos that effectively convey your message and keep clients on your website.
  • Ensure your web pages load quickly. A good load speed is important, whether links or any form of media since most internet users leave a slow-loading site. 
  • Utilize SEO business law firm marketing strategies such as link building, meta tags, and backlinking can help your website rank higher on search engine results pages. These will help improve your website's visibility and reach more potential clients.

— Leverage Mobile-Friendliness

An example of business litigation mobile-friendly website
An example of a mobile-friendly business attorney website design

As more and more people use their mobile devices to search the internet, making sure your website is mobile-friendly is important. Potential clients will likely use their smartphones or tablets to look for a business lawyer.

Fortunately, there are a few things you can do to make sure your website is mobile-friendly.

  • First, look at your site's design and make sure it's easy to navigate on a smaller screen.
  • Second, use responsive design so your site can adjust to any screen size.
  • Finally, make sure your site loads quickly on mobile devices.

Business Law Firm Marketing: SEO Campaigns

SEO campaigns stats
The main sources of digital traffic

One of the most effective business law firm marketing tools is search engine optimization (SEO). SEO campaigns help to ensure that your law firm website is visible on the most popular search engines, such as Google and Bing. However, SEO is not a ‘set it and forget it' digital marketing strategy. In order to be successful, attorney SEO campaigns must be continuously updated and tweaked to reflect changing search engine algorithms and user behavior. 

Through comprehensive keyword research, page optimization, and backlinking to relevant websites, attorney business SEO campaigns can significantly increase the visibility of your website, resulting in a substantially increased volume of qualified leads. Furthermore, these campaigns can be tailored to specific areas, allowing lawyers to target potential clients in their local market.

— Provide Educational and Promotional Content

Good content features
Good content criteria

In today's legal marketing landscape, content is king. Good content can make all the difference, whether providing educational materials or creating promotional legal content for your clients. Your content: 

  • should be timely and relevant to your client's needs;
  • should be well-written and free of errors;
  • should also be original and unique to your firm.

Providing educational and promotional content to clients can help them understand and protect their rights and gain a better understanding of the legal process. The content can be in the form of text, audio, video, or other media. 

Content marketing for business law firms is essential in today's digital landscape. Incorporating interesting blog articles helps your clients understand business and its processes. You can also opt for lawyer podcasts, a great way to reach a wide audience and provide listeners value. You can use them to discuss various aspects of the business litigation process, give tips on dealing with specific legal issues, and promote the firm's services. You can also use them to interview guest experts on relevant topics.

Get as Many Links as Possible

Links are one of the most important ranking factors for SEO. The more links you have pointing to your website, the higher your website will rank in SERPs, which means more people will be able to find and contact you for legal services. But how do you get high-quality links that will help your website rank higher in search engine results?

Here are a few ideas for ways to get links for your attorney business marketing campaigns:

  1. Write guest blog posts for popular legal blogs.
  2. Publish articles in legal journals and online publications.
  3. Speak at legal conferences and events.
  4. Participate in online discussions and forums related to your practice area.
  5. Connect with other attorneys and law firms on social media.

— Mind Technical SEO

Technicak SEO makes your website user-friendly
Google PageSpeed Insights helps lawyers optimize websites for better performance and UX

Technical SEO involves optimizing the website for search engine algorithms and ensuring it is structured properly for the search engine to understand the content. This includes optimizing various website components such as website structure, page speed, navigation, and website architecture to ensure that search engines can easily access and crawl the website. These are all important factors for attorney business marketing campaigns. 

Keeping technical SEO in mind can help improve keyword rankings, visibility, and overall website performance in SERPs. This includes making sure your website is mobile-friendly, improving your page speed, and making sure your site is easy to navigate.

— Get More Clients as a Business Attorney with Local SEO

In support of business law firm marketing efforts, local SEO for lawyers serves as a distinct form of SEO that can help law firms boost their presence in local search results. You need to make sure that your website is optimized for local search. This means that you will need to include your firm's name, address, and phone number (NAP) on your website in a prominent location. 

Optimize your Google My Business profile for local search
Optimize your GMB profile and collect reviews to improve local search visibility

If you are a law firm looking to improve your local SEO, there are a few things you can do to get started. 

GMB profile optimization: For business law firms, one of the best ways to get new clients is through word-of-mouth referrals. After all, if someone you know and trust recommends a product or service, you're more likely to use it, right?

The same principle applies to hiring an attorney. If someone you know and trust recommends a particular attorney, you're much more likely to use their services.

That's why it's important to ensure your law firm's GMB profile is optimized for Local SEO. When potential clients search for an attorney in your area, you want your GMB profile to be one of the first results they see.

Here are a few tips to optimize your GMB profile for Local SEO:

  • Use keyword-rich titles and descriptions
  • Include photos and videos
  • Encourage customer reviews

NAP Citations: Include NAP (Name, Address, Phone number) citations on your GMB profile. Adding NAP citations to your GMB profile is an easy way to improve your local SEO and help potential clients find you online, thereby improving your search engine ranking.

— Collect reviews for your GMB profile: Incorporating client reviews is a simple yet effective strategy to enhance your local SEO and overall marketing for business law firms. There are a few different ways you can collect reviews. One way is to simply ask your clients for a review after you've completed their case. You can also include a link to your GMB profile on your website or in your email signature. And finally, you can use a third-party review platform like Yelp or Avvo to collect reviews.

— DIY SEO Practices Business Lawyers Should Try

After all, what's the use of having a law firm website if potential clients can't find it? If you're not sure where to start with your SEO efforts, try these DIY tips:

  • Keyword research. Identify the keywords potential clients are using to search for legal services like yours. Include these keywords in your website content, blog posts, and social media posts. Some free keyword research tools include Google Trends, Ubersuggest, AnswerThePublic, Keyword Surfer, etc.
Perform keyword research
Keywords are phrase matches that users type to find a service
  • Ensure your website is well-structured. This means that all your pages should be easily accessible from the homepage and have a logical internal linking structure. Site architecture is an integral part of SEO, as search engine crawlers need to be able to navigate your website to determine its content and relevance easily.
Ensure your website navigation is good
Your Business attorney website must include easy-to-use navigation and clear CTAs
  • Build backlinks. One of the most important ranking factors for SEO is backlinks. Build links to your website by creating content others will want to link to, such as infographics or through guest blogging or directory submissions.
  • Use social media. Social media marketing efforts can help you build your brand and increase your website's visibility. Create accounts on major social media platforms (like LinkedInFacebookInstagram, etc), share your content, and engage with your followers.
  • Monitor your results. After executing your law firm SEO strategy within your broader digital marketing strategy, it's crucial to monitor your results to determine the effectiveness of the various tactics you tried. Use tools such as Google Analytics to measure your website's performance.
  • Create a local directory profile. This is a cost-effective SEO hack that brings in clients. In many instances, lawyer directories rank higher than websites in SERPs.

Think of PPC as a Part of Business Law Firm Marketing

Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising is a viable and effective alternative to traditional marketing that can help you get more clients as a business lawyer quickly and efficiently. When someone clicks on your ad, they are taken to your website, where they can learn more about your firm.

Google offers two main PPC business attorney advertising types: Google Ads and Local Service Ads.

Google Ads is the main type of PPC advertising on Google. You can use Google Ads to promote your law practice on Google Search, YouTube, and across the web. Ads on Google appear when people search for terms related to your law firm's services, e.g., ‘Construction litigation law firm.' Google Ads allows you to control your ad spending by setting a budget and bid amount for each keyword and measuring your ad's impact.

An example of Google Ads
You do not pay until someone clicks on your ads

Local Service Ads (LSAs) are PPC advertising that lets legal professionals promote services to prospective clients in their local area. With LSAs, you can target clients by city, ZIP code, or radius. You can also set a daily marketing budget and choose how long your ad will run.

Local Service Ads
Local Service Ads appear at the top of the SERP

Facebook Ads for Your Business Attorney Marketing Practice

With 2.91 billion users, Facebook offers a powerful platform for business law firm marketing, enabling you to target specific audiences and tailor campaigns for your practice. Reach potential clients or engage existing ones by creating eye-catching, cost-effective ads, tracking results in real-time and using analytics to optimize for success. Leverage Facebook's user data to target interested individuals, choose from various targeting options, and utilize diverse ad formats, including single-image, carousel, and video ads, to enhance your marketing efforts.

When it comes to Facebook Ads for lawyers, there are a few things you need to keep in mind. 

1. Create a custom audience: When you create a custom audience on Facebook, you can target people more likely to be interested in your services. For example, you can target people in Chicago who have engaged with your website in the past.

2. Use relevant keywords: When you create your Facebook ads, be sure to use relevant keywords so that your ad will show up in searches. For example, if you specialize in intellectual property, you could use keywords like ‘IP lawyer' or ‘intellectual lawyer Chicago,' etc.

3. Include CTAs: Your Facebook Ads also need a call-to-action. Typically, one of the following applies to business law firms:

  • Schedule a free consultation today
  • Sign up now (for an event or a newsletter)
  • Click here to find out more (for a blog article or other informative content)

4. Track your results: Monitor your click-through and conversion rates to assess how well your ad performs within your digital marketing for business law firms strategy.

Don't juggle law and marketing! As a premier business lawyer marketing agency, we're here to amplify your digital presence. Contact us today - because your practice deserves the spotlight!

Other Best Practices That Empower Your Business Law Firm Marketing

— Business Law Firm Awards and Credentials

Business lawyers can earn many different awards and credentials to empower their law firm marketing strategies and business. These awards can come from a variety of organizations, including: 

Each of these organizations has its process for choosing award recipients. Still, they all share one common goal: recognizing the best and brightest in the legal industry. Earning awards and credentials from these organizations can do wonders for a lawyer's reputation and marketing efforts. It shows potential clients that the lawyer is a cut above the rest and gives the firm a boost of credibility and authority. 

Always Share Business Attorney Case Studies

A case study is an effective component of a marketing strategy for business law firms, as it showcases your capabilities and demonstrates how you can help prospective clients. By providing real-world examples of how you've resolved legal disputes, case studies instill confidence in your expertise and services.

Of course, not all case studies are created equal. To be truly effective, here are a few tips to keep in mind when creating a case study for a potential client.

  1. Make sure the case study is well-written and free of grammatical errors.
  2. Be sure to do your research and include relevant up-to-date information.
  3. Keep the client's needs in mind and tailor the case study accordingly.

— Leverage the Power of Business Lawyer PR

From media relations to thought leadership, incorporating public relations (PR) into your business law firm's marketing strategy offers various ways to get ahead. PR helps law firms generate media coverage, build relationships with key influencers, and create content that educates and informs your target market.

But how do you get started with lawyer PR? By working with a reputable PR firm or having a good PR team to craft statements and press releases that will help to shape the public's perception of your law firm. This allows your business to get the positive exposure it deserves.

— Hire a Proper Receptionist for Your Business Law Firm

First impressions matter a lot. That's why it's important to hire a professional and courteous law firm receptionist. A well-trained, professional receptionist helps to create and maintain a good image for the firm. They are the public face of the company and the first point of contact for current and potential clients. 

They should also be proficient in customer service and have excellent communication skills. This is because they ensure that callers are directed to the appropriate party and take messages when necessary. They must handle a high volume of calls and remain calm under pressure. 

Since they are members of the firm's support staff, they should be familiar with its procedures and protocols. They should be able to handle various inquiries and requests courteously and efficiently. In addition, they may be responsible for maintaining the firm's calendar, scheduling appointments, and coordinating travel arrangements.

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— Make Use of an Email Marketing Campaign

Email is a powerful marketing tool that can help law firms boost their business law firm marketing efforts and reach out to potential clients. Still, you must use it strategically to be effective. Email marketing is good since it will allow you to reach many potential clients quickly and efficiently. However, many businesses make the mistake of thinking that any email campaign will suffice, but this is not the case. You must make use of email marketing for lawyers that is tailored to resonate with the needs of the recipients.

There are a few key things to remember when using email marketing for law practice. 

  1. Quality is key. It is important to ensure that your email content is high quality and informative. You want your recipients to read your emails and find them valuable. 
  2. Relevancy is important. You'll want to use segmentation to ensure that your emails are relevant to your recipients. 
  3. Track, track, track. Make sure you're tracking your results so you can gauge the effectiveness of your email marketing campaigns.

— Set up a Retargeting

A retargeting campaign should be a part of your business law firm marketing strategy. It helps keep your firm top-of-mind with potential clients who may need your services. By definition, retargeting is the process of showing targeted ads to users who have already visited your law firm's website or interacted with your brand in some way. That way, you can increase the likelihood that they'll take the desired action.

Before setting up your retargeting campaign, you need to know what you want to achieve with it. Do you want to increase brand awareness, generate leads, or drive traffic? When you have determined your goal, there are a few different ways to set up a retargeting campaign, but the most effective way is to use a tool like Google Analytics. With Google Analytics, you can create a custom audience for your retargeting ads and track how well your campaign performs.

— Establish Connections and Attend Local Events

Being visible in the community will help to build relationships with individuals and businesses nearby to create a referral network. There are many ways to get involved in your local community and develop connections that can empower your business law firm's marketing. One way is to attend local events relevant to your practice area.

Another way to develop connections is to join local professional organizations. This can help you connect with other professionals in your field, leading to referrals, collaborative opportunities, and other development opportunities.

The Final Verdict: Achieving Success in Business Attorney Marketing

Legal marketing for business law firms requires meticulous planning and stellar execution to attract potential clients and establish a thriving practice. A comprehensive law firm marketing plan for business lawyers should include key components such as building a robust online presence, leveraging online directories, and cultivating a referral network. Moreover, staying current with industry trends and adapting your business law firm marketing campaigns accordingly is essential.

If you're seeking professional assistance with your legal marketing efforts, consider collaborating with an attorney SEO agency like Grow Law Firm. We specialize in helping you create an effective online presence and getting steady business law firm leads for your practice. With the support of our team, you can devise targeted marketing strategies to reach prospective clients, enhance brand awareness, and boost website traffic, ultimately aiming to increase your firm's profitability.

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