Veteran Disability Attorney Marketing: Your Guide to Getting More Clients in 2024

Unlock the secrets of effective marketing strategies to attract and serve veteran clients.

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12 min


Sasha Berson

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As a lawyer with a focus on helping veterans file claims for disability benefits from the VA, you are likely familiar with the VA's disability benefits system and have helped clients navigate the claims process and represented them at appeals hearings.

In the past, a successful case today meant another one tomorrow. Word-of-mouth and limited advertising were enough to draw a steady stream of leads. That's no longer true because the internet has changed client acquisition strategies.

Now top veteran attorneys use a variety of digital marketing channels, including search engine optimization (SEO), pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, social media marketing, and content marketing to reach potential leads. And if you're not doing the same, you may be missing out

In this comprehensive veteran disability attorney marketing guide, we'll explain how digital marketing generates more leads and helps you get more veterans the benefits they deserve.

Do Veteran Disability Lawyers Need Marketing?

Did you know the Veterans Benefits Administration provided more than $112 billion in disability benefits to about 5.4 million veterans and their families in 2022? For most clients, hiring a VA disability lawyer is better than fighting alone, making this small field of law highly competitive.

In addition to highlighting your firm's competitive advantages, marketing informs veterans of their rights to disability benefits, many of whom are unaware of them. As a veteran disability lawyer marketing firm, we've seen first-hand how a well-executed marketing strategy is crucial for reaching today's online audience.

Through effective marketing, veteran disability law firms can experience exponential growth and cement their reputation as trusted experts in the field.

Every Veterans Disability Lawyer Needs a Good Website

Over 30% of legal clients start their search online. Before calling you, potential clients will visit your virtual office front, aka your website. Rest assured; they'll choose a competitor if you leave a poor impression. In fact, 84% of consumers believe a website makes a business credible, compared to companies with only social media profiles.

Digital marketing statistics

A good website is: 

  • Well-designed and informative, offering clear and concise information about services, experience, and success rate. There is enough space between elements, and the text isn't too dense.
  • Mobile-friendly for the majority of potential clients who use their smartphones to browse online.
  • Includes testimonials from past clients to build confidence in your services.
  • Provides valuable information about veterans' benefits, how to make disability compensation claims, the appeals process, and other helpful articles and resources
  • Up-dated with your latest contact details.

— Veteran Disability Lawyer Web Design Examples

The best website for your veterans' disability law firm aligns with your specific needs and goals while appealing to your target audience and providing a positive user experience. Customization and adaptation to unique requirements are key to effective web design.

Below are two veterans disability lawyer websites to inspire you. Take note of their branding colors, the placement of contact details, and what information they display on the home and subsequent pages.

— Veterans Law

Veterans Law screenshot

Veteran's Law has a striking hero banner with a video of a veteran in the background that creates visual interest. More compelling is the strong call to action, "Need help getting the VA disability pay you deserve?" with a button underneath that encourages visitors to see whether the firm can help them.

It's a great example of how to get visitors to act. You want your website to be more than a virtual brochure that's visually appealing; it should motivate visitors to pick up their phones or type that email and contact you.

— Fight4Vets

Fight4Vets screenshot

The headline "Honor is Due" isn't just clever copywriting; it encapsulates what this law firm stands for. Like Veterans Law, the homepage communicates what the firm does and offers visitors a free evaluation and a contact form to get in touch.

Fight4Vets makes it simple for leads to reach out - they don't have to waste any time searching for contact details. As you scroll down, they provide in-depth information about what constitutes a viable claim and answer frequently asked questions. This acts as a lead pre-qualifier, reducing the contact made by unqualified leads.

SEO for Veterans Affairs Law Firms Is the Key

Once your website is live, you must ensure it is visible to potential clients. Search engine optimization (SEO) is the best way to do this. SEO is the process of improving the visibility of your website in search engine results pages (SERPs) by using relevant keywords or phrases veteran clients search for online.

SEO for veteran attorneys
Include keywords in your meta title and meta description to improve your visibility

Other tactics to improve SEO include:

  • Content: Your website's content should be high-quality and relevant to disabled veterans. Make sure it is well-optimized for the keywords they are searching for.
  • Structure: Visitors should be able to find the information they are looking for with no trouble.
  • Code: Clean and efficient code helps search engines crawl and index your website more easily.
  • Backlinks: Backlinks are links from other websites to your website that tell search engines your website is high-quality and trustworthy. The more backlinks, the higher it ranks.
Discover our comprehensive guide on the SEO for lawyers to drive more traffic!

— Invest in Local SEO

Linked to SEO is Local SEO. When people search for "veteran disability lawyer in Chicago" or similar terms on Google, the top results are often local businesses that have already taken the time to optimize their websites for local search. Local SEO for lawyers is all about ensuring your law firm also appears in these top results.

To boost your local SEO presence:

  • Claim and optimize your Google My Business Listing (GMB): Google My Business is a free service that lets businesses create a listing on Google Maps and Search, improving local search visibility. Include all relevant business information like address, phone number, hours, and website. Add photos and encourage customer reviews.
Google My Business profile for veteran disability lawyers
Improve Google My Business visibility by updating info, posting regularly, responding to reviews, and encouraging feedback
  • Optimize your website for local keywords: Use keywords and phrases that potential clients will likely search for in their local area. For example, if you're a veteran disability lawyer in Chicago, you might want to use keywords like "veteran disability Chicago" or "VA disability lawyer Arlington Heights."
  • Use local directories to improve visibility: Some popular directories for lawyers include Yelp, Yellow Pages, and Foursquare.

— Best SEO Keywords for Veteran Disability Lawyers

Google Keyword Planner, Semrush, and Ahrefs are keyword research tools used by marketing professionals to determine which keywords perform best.

As a general idea, you might consider using these keywords on your website and in your marketing content:

  • veterans attorneys 
  • veterans lawyers
  • veteran lawyer
  • VA appeals
  • veterans law
  • VA claims lawyer
  • VA benefits lawyer
  • VA disability lawyer 
  • VA lawyers
  • VA disability rating
  • VA disability claim

And this is just the tip of the iceberg. Think of all the content you can create around your legal area of expertise for content marketing. Every topic, from legal fees to veterans' disability benefits, will have its subset of keywords you can leverage.

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Sasha Berson

Content Marketing for Veteran Disability Lawyers

Content marketing is an excellent way for law firms to showcase what they've done and what they can do, build real trust with prospective clients, and create meaningful connections with their target audience. Compelling content that educates readers on the benefits of veteran disability claims demonstrates your expertise and establishes trust with disability claimants.

With its cost-effectiveness and long-term impact, content marketing remains a cornerstone of veteran disability law firm marketing efforts. While traditional advertising typically has a short lifespan, well-optimized and relevant content can remain relevant online and drive results for an extended period, reducing the need for frequent ad spending.

Main types of content

Content marketing takes many forms, including legal blog posts, law firm videos, infographics, e-books, etc. When creating content, focus on topics relevant to your target audience that will provide them with valuable information. Your content should also be well-written and engaging.

Publishing your content on your social media channels and having a dedicated website blog and FAQ section will attract website traffic (increasing your ranks on Google search) and more clients.

PPC for Veteran Disability Attorneys

PPC (pay-per-click) ads appear at the top of search engine results, giving your veteran disability law firm more visibility and the opportunity to attract more customers. A PPC ad campaign will target disability claimants searching for legal services related to your business.

When someone searches for a keyword related to veterans' disability claims, your ad will appear at the top of the search results. If the person clicks on your ad, you pay a small fee. Investing in PPC ads can elevate your competitive standing among other business owners, amplify your online presence and revenue, and extend your reach to a substantially larger audience.

— Google Ads

Google Ads is a pay-per-click (PPC) advertising platform that allows you to place ads on Google's search engine results pages (SERPs) and other Google-owned websites. When someone clicks on your ad, they are redirected to your website. With Google Ads, lawyers can create custom campaigns that target specific keywords, set your budget, and track your results.

Google ads for veteran disability lawyers

Google Ads has two advertising networks: 

  • The Search Network: This network allows advertisers to create text ads that appear on Google's search engine results pages (SERPs). When someone searches for a keyword relevant to your ad, your ad may appear at the top of the search results.
  • The Display Network: This network allows advertisers to create display ads that appear on websites that are part of the Google Display Network. These websites can be blogs, news sites, or even social media platforms. 

Your business goals and target audience depend on which network is right for you.

Check out our blog post on the Google Ads for lawyers to drive highly targeted traffic!

— Facebook Ads

Facebook Ads lets you target people based on their interests, location, age, etc., which ensures your ads are seen by those genuinely interested in your services. Moreover, Facebook ads are remarkably budget-friendly, as you can set your spending limits and only pay when someone clicks on your ad. It's a brilliant way to reach a vast audience without straining your finances.

Facebook ads for veteran attorneys
Facebook ad copy typically includes a headline, ad text, and a call-to-action

But that's not all! Facebook ads offer impeccable trackability. You'll have insights into the number of views, clicks, and conversions—helping you optimize your campaigns and maximize your return on investment. It's the ultimate tool to fine-tune your marketing strategy on social media and make every penny count.

— Bing Ads

Bing Ads, now known as Microsoft Advertising, is an online advertising platform Microsoft provides. It allows businesses to create and display ads on Bing, which is Microsoft's search engine, as well as on other partner sites and platforms like Yahoo. Bing Ads operates on a pay-per-click (PPC) model, similar to Google Ads.

Bing ads for veteran disability lawyers
Bing ad copy consists of a headline, ad text, display URL, and call-to-action, with optional ad extensions

While Google dominates the search engine market, Bing still commands a significant share of search traffic. By advertising on Bing, you can reach a different audience that may not be using Google as their primary search engine. Moreover, Bing Ads often have lower cost-per-click (CPC) rates than Google Ads, making it a cost-effective option, especially for businesses with a limited advertising budget.

Social Media Marketing for Veterans Claims Lawyers

The average person spends 151 minutes on social media per day. That's more than an hour - plenty of opportunity to engage with your target market. Remember, you don't have to use every platform, only those relevant to military veterans.

Social media success is all about consistency. Create a regular posting schedule and stick to it so your audience knows when to expect new content. Respond to comments and messages promptly, and engage with your followers in conversations. This will help you build a sense of community and trust.

Facebook marketing for veteran lawyers
An example of a Facebook post

Use captivating and visually appealing content to capture your audience's attention. Relevant hashtags also increase discoverability and reach. Analyze your social media performance regularly to understand what works best and refine your strategy accordingly.

Additional tips for social media marketing:

  • LinkedIn and Twitter are useful to share expertise and establish yourself as a leader in your field.
  • Facebook ads are valuable to target many veterans who live in your state and have indicated that they are interested in making a claim.
  • Link your social media channels to your website and vice versa so it's easy for people to find you.
  • Strike a balance between promotional and non-promotional content. Avoid excessive self-promotion, as it can turn off your audience.
  • Track social media metrics such as reach, engagement, click-through rates, and conversions to evaluate the success of your campaigns.

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Email Marketing for Veteran Affairs Law firms

Email marketing is highly effective due to its direct and personalized nature. It allows you to communicate one-on-one with your audience, tailoring messages based on recipient preferences and behavior. Naturally, targeted and segmented campaigns lead to higher engagement rates.

Additionally, email marketing is cost-effective, measurable, and provides valuable analytics to track campaign success. You can effectively nurture leads and drive conversions by building relationships and trust through consistent communication. Moreover, email automation enables the timely delivery of messages, enhancing customer experience.

Law firm email marketing lets you send: 

  • Welcome emails to introduce your law firm to new clients and prospects. 
  • Newsletters to keep your clients and prospects updated on your firm's news and events. 
  • Case updates to keep your clients and prospects informed of the latest developments regarding veterans' appeals and claims. 
  • Promotional emails to showcase your firm's products or services. 
  • Thank-you emails to show appreciation for their business and remind them of your services.

Get Reviews from Your Veteran Clients

Client reviews provide valuable insights into your legal services. Both positive and negative feedback can help you improve your legal marketing strategy. Not to mention, Google ranks businesses with positive Google lawyer reviews higher than those without.

Positive reviews on platforms like Google My Business, Yelp, and other local directories can improve your business's visibility in local search results. Search engines value reviews as a signal of a business's relevance and trustworthiness, and companies with higher ratings are more likely to appear in the "Local Pack" or map results.

Follow these tips to demonstrate that you value your clients' feedback and that you're committed to providing the best possible services:

  • Monitor client reviews on Google My Business (GMB), lawyer directories, and social media platforms. You can use Google Alerts to track reviews or regularly check Yelp and Google Maps.
  • Respond promptly to all reviews, both positive and negative. This shows that you are engaged with your clients seeking VA disability benefits and care about their feedback.
  • Request feedback from past claimants through email or your GMB profile. This is a great way to get feedback from people who have already used your legal representation services.

Generate More Veteran Affairs Leads and Help More People with Grow Law Firm

Digital marketing is a powerful tool to attract new clients, build your brand, and provide value to potential leads, all to help more people and increase your revenue.

With online marketing efforts like the ones we've discussed above, you will have more visibility on the internet, leading to increased brand awareness and customer reach. Therefore, as veterans' advocates, we encourage you to invest in digital marketing to grow your practice, considering that 78% of clients decide on a legal provider based on an online reputation.

Our team at Grow Law Firm specializes in professional digital marketing services, providing law firm SEO services and generating high-quality leads for veteran disability lawyers. Leveraging our expertise, you can optimize your marketing efforts, attract a larger pool of potential clients, and achieve maximum return on investment (ROI).

Your job is to represent veterans, so leave the marketing to us instead. Contact Grow Law Firm for a free consultation to grow your business.


  • 1. Where does your company have a presence?

    Grow Law Firm has a strong presence in New York, where we focus on providing New York law firm marketing services to help firms grow through proven digital strategies. We also have a significant presence in Los Angeles, offering legal marketing services in Los Angeles, as well as other major legal markets across the U.S., to enhance law firms' online visibility and client acquisition efforts.

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