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An Expert Guide to Bankruptcy Attorney Marketing: From Clicks to Clients

Learn how to reach your target audience, build a strong online presence, and attract new clients to grow your law firm.

15 min


Apr 29, 2024
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The current economic downturn has led to more companies filing for bankruptcy than ever, which has created a corresponding increase in the demand for bankruptcy lawyers. As a bankruptcy lawyer, you may wonder how to get more law firm bankruptcy clients in this competitive market.

With the rise of online search and social media, it is essential for bankruptcy attorneys to create a comprehensive digital marketing strategy that targets their ideal audience. The good news is that there are several methods of effective digital marketing for bankruptcy lawyers that you can use to get your law firm noticed. From optimizing bankruptcy law firm websites for search engine optimization (SEO) rankings to using social media to build your brand, there are a number of ways to get your name out there.

This article will share the best strategies for digital marketing for bankruptcy attorneys.

The 3M Approach for Bankruptcy Attorney Marketing

Since bankruptcy attorneys don't keep bankrupt clients for the long term, lawyers need a digital marketing strategy that generates sufficient qualified leads to keep the lights on at the office and have a thriving, successful business. Effective digital marketing strategies for bankruptcy attorneys should incorporate the 3 M's:

  • Market: You must target your audience, prospective clients considering filing for bankruptcy.
  • Message: Your marketing should send a message that your legal services offer solutions for people that need help.
  • Media/Medium: Online websites, social media, law firm video content, legal podcasts, etc.

Most bankruptcy attorneys who advertise will favor one M over the other, but all three are equally important. The 3M model is a great way to understand how marketing services for bankruptcy law firms (SEO campaigns, PPC ads, and website optimization) can uncover new opportunities and drive success.

If PPC marketing, search engine marketing, and website design are the body, then this 3M method is the soul.

Keyword targeting and website design will not work if you don't know who (target audience with their requirements and wants), why (your message and answers to their issues), and how (you're going to achieve it).

Designing a Successful Bankruptcy Law Firm Website: Key Features and Strategies to Attract More Clients

When contacting a web design agency for law firms, keep in mind that your website is your foundation for your bankruptcy attorney marketing, as all off-website marketing, including word of mouth and referrals from former clients, will direct future clients to bankruptcy law firms' website.

  • Professional law firm web design: Bankruptcy lawyers should take their online presence seriously. The website is often the first point of contact between the bankruptcy firm and a potential client, so it's important to make a good impression. When it comes to web design, there are a few key elements that you should include. The site should be easy to use and navigate with a seamless interface. It should have a strong call-to-action (CTA) that encourages visitors to contact the bankruptcy firm or do what you want them to do. Additionally, the site should include the firm's contact information so potential clients can easily get in touch. The right design team can help you create an attractive, user-friendly site that accurately represents your brand and effectively converts visitors into clients.
Well-performed law firm web design
An example of bankruptcy law firm website
  • Mobile-friendly: More than half of global website traffic is now mobile. A website must be mobile-friendly - with readable text and easily clickable navigation. You can test a website with Google’s mobile-friendly test tool or several Android and iOS device emulators.
Mobile-optimized lawyer website
An example of a mobile-friendly website
  • High page speed: No one likes a slow-loading website, and Google and other search engine algorithms recognize this. Google has been taking page speed into account as far back as 2010. Page speed is also a ranking factor for mobile search queries and ads.
Fast website is a cornerstone of success
The screenshot is taken from Lighthouse
  • SEO optimized for the right keywords: Your bankruptcy website must have content for bankruptcy lawyer websites and be optimized properly for search queries.
  • Provide client testimonials, trust badges, and case studies: As bankruptcy lawyers, your website must inspire confidence in your potential clients. One of the best ways to do so is to provide testimonials from past clients and badges from well-known organizations. You can also offer case studies detailing how you've helped clients.
trust badges for bankruptcy lawyers
Trust badges example
  • Incorporate live chat: You want to make it as easy as possible for future bankruptcy clients to reach out to you and get the help they need. Live chat on a bankruptcy lawyer's website is a great way to provide new clients with instant assistance by being available to answer their questions in real-time. A live chat pops up on the screen, and visitors can click it to inquire about a matter.
Live chat on a bankruptcy lawyer's website
An example of a bankruptcy website with a live chat

Empower Your Bankruptcy Attorney Website with These Content Strategies

Search engine optimization strategies are the steps you take to position your website to rank in search engines. These can be one-time steps like optimizing your website's navigation menu, installing a mega footer, and ongoing programs like bi-weekly blog posts or regular updates to your law firm's Google Business Profile.

Provide Valuable Bankruptcy Content

To attract bankruptcy clients, being a good lawyer and relying on referrals isn't enough - high-quality, engaging content is crucial for successful digital marketing for bankruptcy attorneys. While content can improve your search engine rankings, prioritize writing for your target audience rather than search engines. According to Google's developer guide, compelling and useful content is the most influential factor for bankruptcy law firms' website success.

Fill your website with valuable content
An example of a blog post hub page with topics relevant to the practice area

Your bankruptcy lawyers website content can take many forms, including:

1. Bankruptcy Law Firm Website Blog Posts

marketing strategy for bankruptcy attorneys
An example of a blog posts page on a bankruptcy law firm's website

Offer well-written and unique content to attract potential clients. Avoid using duplicate or near-duplicate content.

Bankruptcy lawyers have enough expertise to present information and resources to potential clients. Use your bankruptcy firm's website to offer information. You can provide ‘gated' content, such as a white paper or ebook, that users can access if they provide their contact information.

Bankruptcy resources
An example of a bankruptcy lawyer website with a resources page

2. FAQ Pages

A Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page is an excellent opportunity for bankruptcy lawyers to rank organically in search engines for long-tail search keywords that your visitors might ask, such as:

  • How long does it take to file chapter 7 bankruptcy in Florida?
  • How can a bankruptcy attorney help me with student loans?
  • How does bankruptcy affect your tax return in New York?
  • Can you keep your house and file for bankruptcy in Arizona?

Along with ranking organically for longer search queries, your FAQ content could be selected as a featured snippet, a highlighted excerpt of text that appears in what is informally known as ‘Position #0' - above everything else. These are sometimes called ‘answer boxes' and are essentially free ads that Google gives you for relevant information.

3. Insights or News Page

It could be a page on your website where you share your thoughts and analysis on current bankruptcy cases or developments in insolvency law. You can also share news and press releases related to your law firm. These types of content would be useful for current and potential clients who want to stay up-to-date on the latest news in the law field.

It's difficult to determine whether news material improves your ranking. However, such a page should be part of legal marketing efforts for bankruptcy lawyers because it allows you to showcase your expertise.

Lawyer press releases
Cover a variety of topics related to your practice area

4. Videos

The use of attorney videos in content marketing is on the rise, and for good reason. Not only is video more engaging than other types of content, but it's also more likely to be shared and remembered. And when it comes to bankruptcy law, a video can be a great way to explain the bankruptcy process, and help potential clients understand what they need to do to get started.

Bankruptcy lawyer videos
Add educational videos to your website

5. Podcasts and Webinars

These mediums are ideal for sharing timely information on bankruptcy law and procedure and answering frequently asked questions from clients and potential clients. And because legal podcasts and webinars are easy to share and distribute, you can reach a wider audience with your content. You can also repurpose them into other content types, such as blog posts or articles.

Law firm podcasts
The screenshot is taken from Google search results page

Build Your Bankruptcy Law Firm Content Around Bankruptcy Keywords

Bankruptcy Keywords
An example of a website block with keywords

Proper keyword research involves studying search trends and understanding the competition to determine which search terms related to bankruptcy laws and topics are most likely to drive traffic to a website. This will help inform the structure of the content and how to optimize it with the search engine in mind. 

The first step in performing keyword research is to identify the different types of keywords you want to target. This includes short-tail keywords, long-tail keywords, and niche-specific keywords. Once you have identified the type of keywords that you want to target, you can use tools such as Google Keyword Planner or SEMrush to find relevant keywords that have high search volume and low competition.

After you have identified a list of keywords to target, you can optimize your content around these keywords and track the performance of each keyword over time.

Take Advantage of PPC Advertising for Bankruptcy Attorneys

Bankruptcy law firm PPC
The screenshot is taken from Google search results page

PPC marketing for bankruptcy attorneys is a quick, almost immediate way for law firms to generate bankruptcy quality leads. Law firm PPC services are a nearly turnkey strategy because the ads are shown when you start paying.

Law firms have considerable control over the pay-per-click ad process, from how much they bid to what gets shown and where visitors land on their websites. Because (converting the website visitor to a new client) your landing page needs to be clean, well-written, and relevant to the visitor's search.

The essential part of PPC ads campaigns involves generating leads that are essential to your success. And while there are many ways to generate bankruptcy leads, we'll go over the five key elements of successful PPC campaign for your bankruptcy law firm.

  1. Target audience. Determine the right demographic for your ppc campaigns, taking age, gender, geography, and income into account.
  2. Compelling ads. Your ad is the first thing potential leads will see, so it's important that it's well-written and catches their attention. Your ad should be clear and concise, and it should make it obvious what your law firm does.
  3. The right keywords. Choosing the right keywords is essential to any successful PPC ads management. After choosing, you bid on the ones relevant to your practice areas. 
  4. Testing. Your website is not the only thing you test. You also test your ads to see which to put out for clients—existing and potential—to see. 
  5. Result tracking. It is one of the most important parts of bankruptcy law firm marketing. You need to measure the results to know the ads that convert and those that don't.

Create a Landing Page That Brings Bankruptcy Leads

A compelling landing page will help you generate more legal leads
An example of a landing page for a bankruptcy lawyer

A landing page is an essential part of marketing for bankruptcy attorneys. With the right design and messaging, you can create a powerful law firm landing pages that generates a steady stream of bankruptcy leads.

  1. The page should be designed with the user experience in mind and should be easy to navigate. 
  2. It should include a call to action that is clear and simple and should have plenty of information about the company, its bankruptcy services, and how they can help. 
  3. It should also have an opt-in form that allows users to provide their contact details and become active leads. 
  4. You can also feature testimonials from previous clients to showcase your success rate and build trust with new clients.
  5. Use visuals such as videos, animations, and images to grab visitors' attention. 
  6. Make sure you track your page's performance using analytics tools like Google Analytics.

Get More Qualified Bankruptcy Leads with Grow Law Firm

Today, many bankruptcy lawyers rely on digital marketing to connect with potential clients. A bankruptcy law firm marketing agency can help your firm identify target audiences and develop customized strategies that truly resonate with them

To reach prospective clients, there are various marketing services available for bankruptcy lawyers, including SEO marketing, implementing a proper content marketing strategy, utilizing social media platforms, and PPC marketing. These methods can help boost visibility and build credibility in the industry, ultimately boosting leads and profit.

You can also opt for the services of a professional law firm SEO company like Grow Law Firm if you do not have the time and means. We conduct extensive research and analysis of qualified leads for your website to know the strategies needed to get quality bankruptcy leads.

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