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Marketing for Real Estate Lawyers: Everything You Wanted to Know

19 min


Dec 21, 2022
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When prospective clients in your area are looking for a real estate attorney, you want them to contact you, not anyone else. Google is where most people will start their search for a lawyer, but if you don't have a website, no one will ever find you; so that's the first thing you need.

Once you have a good website, you should consider various forms of digital marketing. One of the most effective ways to generate legal leads for your websites is through SEO strategies and social media platforms. Interact with prospective clients in every possible way: write useful posts for customers, respond to their comments, offer various discounts, etc.

Using all of these digital marketing strategies for real estate lawyers can help you attract the new customers you seek while also ensuring the success of your real estate law firm.

How to Start a Real Estate Lawyers Marketing Campaign

Main real estate lawyer marketing campaigns

Real estate attorneys can increase demand for their services by using a variety of marketing strategies, such as:

  • Write and speak about the subjects you are most knowledgeable about to become a recognized expert. Your marketing strategies will set you apart from your competitors, whether your real estate firm is in the business of helping real estate clients buy, sell, or rent a property.
  • Start promoting on social media sites. Posting relevant updates and news to your audience is critical, whether you're in commercial or residential real estate. With this real estate social media marketing strategy, you will establish yourself as an expert in your field. People will be able to read posts from professionals, increasing your firm's credibility.
  • Stay up to date when conditions change. There will come a time when a client will need to renegotiate terms, even if you only helped negotiate the lease or purchase of the building. Mark the date the building was purchased or the lease was signed on your calendar so you remember to contact your clients and referral sources when the time is right.
  • Connect with your key clients and reference sources more often. Not only will you attract new clients, but you will also strengthen connections with current and past clients, which will make them more likely to contact your real estate law firm.

SEO for Real Estate Lawyers’ Marketing

What Is SEO?

"Search engine optimization" is also known as SEO. It refers to the process of making changes to your website or content to make it more visible when users search for goods or services associated with your company on Google and other search engines. The higher your pages rank in search results, the more likely you will attract actual clients. Moreover, you don't necessarily have to pay for it (though getting help from an outside marketing firm is best), but you do need to write content that search engines will like.

How It Actually Works

Let's say a person is looking for a real estate lawyer; they enter the phrase "real estate lawyers near me" in the search box, and this is what they see:

Real estate lawyers near me

Google processes a lot of text from different pages and various websites. When it sees a keyword entered into a search, it will display the website that is most relevant to the query so that people can quickly find the information they need. Simply put, you need relevant keywords and content- this is how SEO for lawyers works, helping your site rank higher in the SERPs.

How to Optimize Your Website

One of the most effective ways to optimize your site and get it to the top of the search engines is to write relevant content. We've already explained that Google ranks sites with keywords; this means that you should not just write content for lawyer websites but also add keywords that people most often use to find a real estate lawyer.

It may seem like a rather daunting task for those who have never written in this way before. That is why it is worth using various services that make it much easier to write content with keywords. Here are some marketing tools for real estate attorneys: Ahrefs, SurferSEO, and Semrush. Each one is different, but a novice user might not even notice much of a difference. 

A tip: don't use all of them! It's better to choose the one that suits you the most. To make it easier for you to understand how site optimization works, we won't go into too much detail or use terminology you are unfamiliar with. Instead, let's consider an example to help you understand this more clearly.

Suppose a real estate attorney wants to run a legal blog for their website. Some would consider hiring a freelance writer. With a freelancer, visitors will indeed come to your site, but they are unlikely to be interested in your legal services. Writing your own articles is not just about getting people to the website, but also showing your professionalism in the field. After reading your article, prospective clients will find the answer to their real estate questions which will give them confidence in your expertise. The next time they need a lawyer, they will most likely turn to you.

For example, if a real estate lawyer wants to write an article on the topic "Fractional investments in real estate," the lawyer must find keywords that fit the topic so that the article gets to the top of the search. The attorney should go to Ahrefs, clicks on the "Keyword Explorer" section, and then enter his query "fractional real estate investment." Let's look at the result:

Find keywords that fit the topic

All of these keyword combinations can potentially be used to write various blog articles. It is also worth paying attention to a couple of other sections. The first of these sections is "Volume," which shows the average monthly number of searches for a keyword. Next up is "Keyword Difficulty," showing how hard it is to get into the top 10 organic search results for a keyword. In addition to being able to learn which keywords are most commonly used on a particular topic, Ahrefs users can find out which keywords your competitors are using. To do this, go to the "Site Explorer" section and paste the URL of your competitor's website into the line. To make it clearer for you, here is an example:

Most important SEO metrics n Ahrefs

Knowing which keywords your competitors are using can help you decide much more quickly which ones are worthwhile to use. Once you have chosen the right keywords, you will need to use them as you write content. Keep in mind that the text you write must be of really good quality. If a potential client opens the blog page of your site but does not find the answer to his question, then the client will simply leave your site and never return to it.

Real Estate Attorney Marketing PPC

What Is PPC

PPC is an online advertising model in which advertisers display ads on search engines, social media platforms, and other websites and pay each time a user clicks on one of their ads. The "pay-per-click" model is a popular way for real estate law firms to promote their products and services online as it allows them to target a wide range of potential customers with minimal effort.

PPC advertising for lawyers is a flexible and effective way to reach a large audience with your marketing message. It is also a low-cost way of generating leads for real estate lawyers because you only pay when someone clicks on your ad.

If you are thinking of using PPC to promote your business, it is important to understand how the system works and how to create effective ads that will reach your target audience.

How It Actually Works

A lawyer creates an ad by choosing a set of keywords to target in that ad and placing a bid for each keyword. Google then uses a set of formulas to select which ads to display for any particular search. Google will rate your ad quality results depend on the relevance of your ad to your keyword, landing page quality, and expected click-through rate. 

In addition to the Quality Score, your ad will be calculated based on how much you pay. The higher your bid per click, the more likely your ad will appear in search results.

As you remember, we used the Ahrefs service to determine the keywords. You can use it again, only this time to find out what keywords you need for your ad. Let's look at an example of what finding keywords for ads looks like:

Real estate attorney marketing PPC

These are all possible combinations that can be used for a PPC campaign. Pay particular attention to the "CPC" section and the prices below it, as they represent the typical costs advertisers incur when a user clicks on an ad in paid search results. 

Not all keywords are worth using, even though they are related to the topic of your ad. To determine their usefulness, you will need to look at their monthly search volume and cost per click (CPC). Let's explore these concepts:

  • Volume per month: The number of searches for a particular keyword. The more keywords you have, the more noticeable you will be, but there is a catch- this also increases competition.
  • Cost Per Click or CPC is the price you pay when a user clicks on an ad that contains that keyword. Higher CPC keywords often drive a lot of potential customers to a website, but of course, it comes at a higher cost. According to Statista, the average CPC in Canada is $1.69, and the average CPC in the US is $2.61.

When choosing your keywords, you need to find the right balance of volume and CPC to get clicks within your budget. Let's break down step by step how to buy ads in Google Ads.

Step 1: Start a Google Ads Campaign and Choose a Goal

Choose a goal n Google Ads Campaign

Step 2: Choose where you want your ad to appear

Select a campaign type

Step 3: Set up the location where the ad will be shown and in what language

Choose the location where you want to place your ad and language

Step 4: Add your keywords

Get keyword suggestions

That's it. Now you know how to start your own campaign to promote your site using Google Ads.

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Website That Gets Clients for Real Estate Lawyers

SEO and PPC are things that can help your site rank higher in the SERPs, but if you only focus on these two items, your site will definitely not be at the top of the search. 

One of the most significant features of your law firm website should be an attractive web design and layout. If your website looks professional and polished, visitors will be more likely to trust your brand and take your message seriously. Additionally, good web design and layout can help improve your website's usability. If visitors can easily find what they're looking for on your site, they're more likely to stay and engage with your content. A well-designed website will also be more responsive on different devices, which is essential in today's mobile-first world. 

Reviews are a must-have component of a lawyer's website as they are often used to gauge how well a lawyer is handling their clients' cases. Perhaps the most important reason is that testimonials can help build trust with potential customers. If someone is considering doing business with you, they're likely to be more reassured if they can read positive reviews from other people who have already done business with you.

The next factor that determines how good your website is: content. Well-written content can help make a website a reliable source of information. It is especially significant for lawyers because if a website provides helpful information written by an expert, then clients are more likely to contact that particular law firm. Finally, good content can make visiting a website more enjoyable. The more well-written content you have, the more visitors will come back for it again.

Google My Business for Real Estate Attorney Marketing

Google My Business is a free and easy-to-use tool for businesses and organizations to manage their online presence across Google, including Search and Maps. By verifying and editing your business information, you can help customers find you, contact you, and learn more about your real estate law firm.

Applying for your profile will be the first step in registering your legal firm with GMB. To do this, you need to sign in to Google and create a new profile. Coordinate with Google to get a verification code to authenticate your profile. When filling out your profile information after receiving the code, use keywords to help potential customers find you.

Additionally, don't forget to post relevant content on your law firm GMB profile to attract potential clients to your real estate law firm. Use writing posts as a way to promote your site, as well as an opportunity to answer frequently asked questions from your customers.

Don't exclusively stick to text content - add photos and videos too! Show your potential clients what your team of lawyers looks like and what office you work in. Psychologically, it will be much easier for clients to contact a real estate lawyer whose face they have seen than whose face they have not seen.

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Marketing Real Estate Practice: Social Media Efforts

There are many ways to promote your real estate lawyer services through social networks. You can also create a profile on a real estate lawyer directory site, post information about your services on your website or blog, or create a social media profile for your real estate practice. You can participate in online discussion forums related to your area of law and answer questions from potential clients. By promoting your lawyer services through social networks, you can reach a large number of potential clients and build a strong online presence for your law practice.

You can also start to create a profile on LinkedIn, a business-oriented social media platform primarily aimed at professionals. This social network is a great way to get more connections and referrals from other real estate agents and lawyers. Give them free advice through posts, provide updates on what you're working on, share articles you've contributed to, invite your clients to events you host, and post notifications of newly published posts on your site to increase attendance.

How to Find Clients for Real Estate Attorneys: Content Marketing

Legal content marketing can be a great way for real estate lawyers to find new clients. By creating and distributing high-quality content, lawyers can position themselves as experts in the field and attract potential clients who are looking for help with their real estate needs.

There are several ways to go about content marketing, but one of the most effective is to create a blog. By regularly blogging about topics related to real estate law, lawyers can build up a following of interested readers who may eventually need their services.

While it takes some time and effort to get started with content marketing, it can be a great way to attract new clients and grow a real estate law practice.

Make Evergreen Content Pages for Your Real Estate Website

As a real estate agent, one of your primary goals is to generate leads and convert them into clients. A great way to do this is by creating evergreen content pages on your website. Evergreen content is information that is always relevant and useful, regardless of the date or time. For example, a page about the steps to buying a home would be an evergreen page because the steps involved are almost always the same.

Creating evergreen content pages on your website has several benefits. First, by providing useful, accurate information, you will build trust with potential clients and show them that you know what you're talking about. Second, evergreen content can help to improve your website's SEO. Search engines love fresh, relevant content, and by creating evergreen pages, you can help to improve your website's ranking in search results.

Finally, evergreen content pages provide a valuable resource for your website visitors. By giving them information that is always relevant and useful, you can keep them coming back to your site again and again. 

Although you can write a lot of content on your site, you should not forget about the pages that all sites should have:

  • FAQ page
  • Homepage
  • Privacy policy page
  • Terms and conditions page
  • Sitemap
  • About page
  • Services page
  • Blog
  • Press/latest news page
  • Testimonials/reviews page
  • Contact page

Leverage the Power of Blogging for Real Estate Lawyer Marketing

Blogging is a powerful marketing tool for any business, and real estate lawyers are no exception. You may expand your practice and draw in new clients by posting your professional analyses and thoughts on your blog.

Here are some tips on how to use blogging to promote your real estate law practice:

  1. Share your expert insights. When you blog about topics related to real estate law, you show potential clients that you are an expert in your field. Share your insights on the latest industry news, legal developments, and more.
  2. Offer helpful analysis. In addition to sharing your expert insights, you can also offer professional analysis of real estate law topics. For example, you can analyze the impact of a new law or regulation on the real estate market.
  3. Use keywords wisely. When potential clients search for information on the internet, they use keywords. By including relevant keywords in your blog posts, you can make sure that your blog comes up in search results.
  4. Promote your blog. Once you have created a blog, you need to promote it. Share your blog posts on social media, send them to clients and prospects, and post them on your website.

By following these tips, you can use blogging to effectively market your real estate law practice.

Start an Email Marketing Campaign for Real Estate Attorney Marketing

Law firms email marketing is one of the most effective ways to market your real estate law practice. It allows you to spread your marketing message to a big audience and is a highly economical approach to getting in front of potential customers. Email marketing campaigns for real estate attorneys can be tailored to target groups of potential customers and are often very successful in generating new leads.

An email marketing campaign can also help you build relationships with your clients and prospects, nurture leads, and close more deals. If you are still not using email marketing to promote your real estate lawyer services, you are missing out on a powerful tool that can help you grow your business.

Get More Referrals for Real Estate Attorney Marketing

In order to increase the number of referrals from your clients, you must follow a few key things. First, make sure you have a strong online presence. It means having a well-designed website and active social media accounts. 

Secondly, reach out to your network of contacts and let them know you're looking for referrals. This could include sending an email or LinkedIn message or even picking up the phone and making a call. 

Finally, offer something in return for referrals, such as a check-list or free consultation. By following these steps, you'll be able to get more referrals and grow your business. 

Sign Up for Online Real Estate Attorney Directories

Listing your company on online lawyer directories is one of the most effective ways to promote your real estate attorney services. Usually, people use these directories to quickly find a good lawyer for themselves. By adding yourself to an online directory, you can make it easier to find your real estate law firm. That is why you should be in one of them because if you are not there, a potential client will not find you at all. Here are some online directories you should add yourself to

Create a Landing Page for Marketing Your Real Estate Practice

As a real estate lawyer, you understand how important it is to be in demand with clients, and a website is a significant element in attracting them. But did you know that having lawyer landing pages can be an even more effective way to market your real estate practice?

A landing page is a single web page that is designed specifically to capture leads. It typically has a form that users can fill out to request more information or schedule a consultation. There are several reasons why you should create a landing page to market your real estate practice:

  1. A landing page can help you to focus your marketing efforts. By having a separate landing page for your real estate practice, you can ensure that all of your marketing efforts are directed toward that one goal.
  2. A landing page can help you track your results. When you have a separate landing page for your real estate practice, you can use analytics to see how many people are visiting the page and how many are filling out the form. This information can help you fine-tune your marketing efforts.
  3. A landing page can help you generate leads. The whole purpose of a landing page is to capture leads. Having a landing page for your real estate practice can increase the number of leads you generate.

If you are still not promoting your real estate practice with a landing page, you should start doing so now. As mentioned, a landing page can help you to focus your marketing efforts, track your results, generate leads, and close more deals.

Turn to Google Local Service Ads for Real Estate Attorney Marketing

Google Local Service Ads is an advertising platform that allows you to advertise your services in local search results. These ads appear as sponsored listings at the top of search results. Each of the ads contains a call to action button that allows potential clients to quickly contact your real estate law firm.

However, there's a catch: all of your lawyers must be licensed and insured, and if you don't meet those requirements, you won't be able to advertise on Google Local Service Ads. Furthermore, Google will run a background check on your firm's attorneys. Even though you have to go through all this, it's worth it! Google Local Service Ads for lawyers is a really successful approach to reaching out to potential clients who need the services of a local real estate attorney.

The Strategic Advantage of Engaging a Real Estate Law Firm Marketing Company

It is crucial to consider which channels will be most successful when promoting real estate attorneys and law firms. Real estate law is a niche market, so it is imperative to consider the best way to reach your audience. Will you focus on pay-per-click advertising? Search engine optimization services? Content marketing? The right marketing strategy is unique to every business, but usually includes a combination of all of the above.

If you want to grow your business, it is essential that you have a strong online presence. At Grow Law Firm, we make this happen for our clients through a number of legal marketing channels. For example, we work hard to create engaging content on your behalf and can run effective PPC campaigns. Our law firm SO agency pays close attention to keywords that your audience is searching for and optimize your content to rank highly on Google. We also do our best to ensure that your site is mobile-friendly. If you are interested in learning more about our digital marketing services for lawyers to attract clients and raise your revenue, contact us today!

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