Mastering Estate Planning PPC: a Complete Guide

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11 min


Sasha Berson

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Estate attorneys are usually entrusted with sensitive yet profoundly important work helping clients structure their assets and wishes for the future. But without actual clients, you can't fulfill your vital role. As with any legal practice, visibility and client relationships must be carefully cultivated, and PPC campaigns can effectively connect those seeking services with your firm.  

Pay-per-click advertising involves bidding on keyword phrases to appear prominently in search results. This allows concerned families to find local estate planners like yourself through search engines. Rather than waiting for organic rankings or referrals, PPC places capable estate planning lawyers directly in the path of those with pressing needs. 

Our team at Grow Law Firm has prepared this guide to explore when to use PPC, estate planning PPC ads types, how to manage a PPC campaign, and more. Let's get started!

When to Use Estate Planning PPC

Picture this: you're an estate planning professional committed to helping families keep faith amid transition. You've honed your expertise and built a trustworthy reputation. Now, you're eager to reach a wider audience through marketing strategies and opt for PPC. But now you're wondering when's the best time to start leveraging the potential of PPC for your benefit. Well, here's your answer! PPC can be highly effective:

  • When launching a new estate planning service or expanding into a new geographical area.
  • During peak seasons when individuals are more inclined to consider estate planning, such as tax season or the end of the year.
  • When targeting specific demographics or niche markets, like young professionals starting a family or retirees planning their legacy.
  • In highly competitive markets where you want to stand out from the crowd and increase brand visibility.
  • When you want to complement your organic SEO efforts and maximize your online presence.
  • During special campaigns or promotions to generate immediate leads and conversions.

Estate Planning PPC Ads Types

When creating a PPC campaign, don't put all your eggs in one basket. You should use a variety of methods to reach your estate planning clients. Different ad types offer dynamic advertising formats designed to capture the attention of your target audience and drive engagement.

Estate Planning PPC Ads Types
Employ diverse approaches in your PPC campaign to reach estate planning clients, as they utilize multiple channels.

—Search Ads

Search Ads are the bread and butter of PPC advertising. When someone searches for relevant keywords on search engines like Google, your text ad appears at the top of the search results. These ads are highly targeted and allow you to reach individuals actively seeking estate planning services. With compelling ad copy and strategically chosen keywords, you can capture the attention of prospective clients at the right moment, increasing the likelihood of engagement and conversions.

—Display Ads

Display Ads are visually appealing banners on websites, mobile apps, and social media platforms. Through eye-catching designs, images, and compelling messages, Display Ads help create brand awareness and capture the attention of your target audience. These ads can be targeted based on demographics, interests, and online behavior, allowing you to reach potential clients even when they're not actively searching for estate planning services.

—Video Ads

Video Ads are a dynamic and engaging way to showcase your estate planning services. With a compelling narrative and visual storytelling, you can connect with more estate planning clients on a deeper level. Whether it's a client testimonial, an informative video explaining the importance of estate planning, or a virtual office tour, Video Ads allow you to convey your message effectively. These ads can be displayed on platforms like YouTube and other video networks, capturing the attention of your target audience and leaving a lasting impression.

—Social Media Ads

Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn offer robust targeting options, allowing you to tailor your ads to specific demographics, interests, and behaviors. From promoting your services and sharing educational content to engaging with your audience through interactive campaigns, Social Media Ads enable you to build brand awareness and foster meaningful connections with potential clients.

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How To Manage a PPC Campaign for Estate Planning Law Firm

Running a successful PPC campaign for your estate planning law firm requires careful planning, strategic execution, and continuous optimization. It can be a powerful tool to reach your target audience, generate qualified leads, and boost your online presence if done correctly. But how do you effectively manage a PPC campaign to achieve optimal results?

1. Understand Your Target Audience

Before you can effectively manage a PPC campaign for your estate planning law firm, you need to deeply understand your target audience. This means knowing their demographics, psychographics, and pain points. What are their biggest concerns when it comes to estate planning? What are their goals? What are their fears?

Once you understand your target audience well, we encourage the law firms we work with to create a client persona. A client persona is a fictional representation of your ideal client based on research and analysis. It helps you visualize and understand the characteristics of the individuals you want to attract. For an estate planning law firm, a client persona may look like this:

  • Name: Sarah
  • Age: 55
  • Gender: Female
  • Occupation: Associate Dentist
  • Income: $200,000
  • Marital status: Married with two children
  • Concerns: Sarah is worried about providing for her family after her death. She also wants to make sure that her assets are transferred smoothly.
  • Goals: Sarah wants to create an estate plan to protect her family and ensure that her assets are distributed according to her wishes. She also wants to minimize the taxes her heirs will have to pay.

2. Identify High-Performing Keywords

Once you understand your target audience, you need to identify the keywords they use to search for estate planning services. These are the specific words or phrases that potential clients are likely to use when searching for estate planning services online. 

Keyword research plays a vital role in this process. It involves analyzing search volume, competition, and relevance to determine the keywords that will yield the best results for your campaign. For example, some high-performing keywords for an estate planning law firm could be:

  • Estate planning attorney
  • Wills and trusts lawyer
  • Probate law firm
  • Asset protection services
  • Estate planning for families

There are several tools that can assist with keyword research, such as Google Ads Keyword Planner, SEMrush, and Moz Keyword Explorer. If it seems like a lot of time and effort- turn it over to the professionals. Our team at Grow Law Firm has extensive experience with keyword research, and we're ready to help!

3. Allocate the PPC Budget and Optimize Bids

Budget allocation is the process of deciding how much money you are going to spend on your PPC campaign. There are several factors to consider when allocating your budget, including the size of your target audience, the competition for your keywords, your cost per click (CPC), and your overall online marketing goals. 

Set a realistic budget based on your campaign goals and available resources. Bid strategically. Keyword bidding involves setting the maximum amount you are willing to pay for each click on your ad. There are different bidding strategies that you can use, like manual bidding and automated bidding (Google sets the maximum bid for each keyword based on your budget and campaign goals).

You can optimize your bids by conducting regular keyword performance analysis to identify high-performing keywords and adjust bids accordingly. You can also implement bid adjustments based on factors like device type, location, and time of day to target specific segments effectively. 

4. Craft Persuasive Ad Copy and Messaging

Your ad copy should effectively communicate the value of your services, engage potential clients, and entice them to take action. Before you write, you need to identify what sets your estate planning services apart from competitors. At Grow Law Firm, one of the first things we ask for is your Unique Selling Proposition (USP)- make sure you have one! Highlight your expertise, personalized approach, or any unique benefits you offer potential clients.

Make sure to:

  • Use strong headlines: Your headlines should be attention-grabbing and relevant to your target audience.
  • Use clear and concise language: Your ad copy should be easy to read and understand.
  • Highlight your unique selling points: What differentiates your law firm from other estate planning law firms?
  • Include a call to action: Tell potential clients what you want them to do, such as "Call us today for a free consultation."
ad copy example
Ad copy example

5. Design Conversion-Optimized Landing Pages

A landing page is where potential clients land after they click on your ad. It's important to design your landing pages to encourage visitors to take action, such as calling your estate planning firm or filling out a contact form. A conversion-optimized landing page should align with the messaging and intent of your PPC ads, providing a seamless and relevant user experience. A well-designed landing page typically includes the following elements:

  • A clear and compelling headline that communicates the value proposition of your estate planning services.
  • Concise and persuasive copy that highlights the benefits of choosing your law firm and addresses potential clients' pain points.
  • Strong call-to-action (CTA) to encourage visitors to take the desired action.
  • Engaging visuals that support your messaging and enhance the overall appeal of the landing page.
  • Trust elements like testimonials, client reviews, trust badges, or certifications to build credibility and trust with potential clients.
Explore how to craft a converting lawyers landing page in our blog!

6. Monitor Performance and Optimize Campaigns

Monitoring your PPC campaign performance is essential to ensuring its success. By tracking key metrics and analyzing data, you can identify areas for improvement and make necessary adjustments to optimize your campaign.

Some important metrics to track include:

  • Click-through rate (CTR): The percentage of people who see your ad and click on it.
  • Conversion rate: The percentage of people who click on your ad and take a desired action, such as filling out a contact form or calling your law firm.
  • Cost per click (CPC): The average amount you pay each time someone clicks on your ad.
  • Impressions: The number of times your ad is shown.
  • Quality score: A measure of the relevance and quality of your ad, which can affect your CPC.
  • Return on ad spend (ROAS): The revenue generated for each dollar spent on advertising. 

You can use various tools to track these metrics, including Google Ads, Google Analytics, and third-party analytics tools like SEMrush, Moz, or HubSpot.

Once you have collected data from these metrics, use it to optimize your PPC campaign to identify underperforming keywords or ad groups. Consider adjusting bids, refining ad copy, or pausing ineffective keywords and use the data to make informed decisions about budget allocation, shifting resources towards high-performing campaigns or keywords.

7. Recapture Lost Leads with Retargeting Ads

Retargeting ads allow you to recapture lost leads by targeting users who have already visited your website or engaged with your ads but didn't convert. These ads can be used to remind potential clients about your law firm and encourage them to take the next step, such as calling your law firm or filling out a contact form.

Retargeting ads work by placing a cookie on the computer or device of someone who visits your website. This cookie allows you to track their activity and show them ads on other websites that they visit. You can divide your audience into specific segments based on their behavior or interests. For example, you can create segments for users who visited your homepage but didn't contact you or those who abandoned a consultation form. Then, use platforms like Google Ads or social media advertising platforms to set up retargeting campaigns.

Benefits of PPC Advertising for Estate Planning Attorneys

Imagine placing your law firm right in front of individuals actively searching for what you offer, ready to take action. With PPC, you can do just that. The benefits of PPC, however, go beyond just visibility and we will discuss them below.

Benefits of PPC Advertising for Estate Planning Attorneys

—Quick Results

Unlike traditional marketing methods that may take months or years to yield substantial results, PPC advertising offers a remarkable advantage: quick visibility and lead generation. By strategically targeting relevant keywords and optimizing your campaigns, you can promptly appear at the top of search engine results pages (SERPs) when potential clients are actively searching for estate planning services. This near immediacy in reaching your target audience translates into faster lead generation and the opportunity to connect with individuals seeking legal guidance promptly.

—Targeted Audience

PPC advertising allows estate planning attorneys to reach a highly targeted audience. With PPC, you can specify the demographics, locations, and search intent of the individuals you want to target. This precision ensures that your ads are displayed to those actively seeking estate planning services, increasing the likelihood of attracting qualified leads. 


PPC advertising provides exceptional flexibility, allowing you to modify your campaigns in real-time based on performance data and changing market conditions. You can adjust your budget, target audience, ad copy, and keywords swiftly and effortlessly. This agility enables you to optimize your campaigns continuously, ensuring that you always reach the right audience with the most compelling message, ultimately driving better results for your estate planning practice.


With PPC, you only pay when someone clicks on your ad, ensuring that your budget is spent on actual engagement. This pay-per-click model allows you to set a maximum bid and daily budget, giving you full control over your advertising costs. Additionally, with advanced targeting options and analytics, you can optimize your campaigns to maximize your return on investment and reduce unnecessary spending.

—Improved SEO

PPC advertising can work synergistically with your search engine optimization (SEO) efforts, leading to improved organic search rankings. By driving targeted traffic to your website through PPC, you can increase the visibility and engagement of your site. This increased traffic and user engagement signal to search engines that your website is relevant and valuable, potentially improving your organic search rankings.

Key Challenges of Estate Planning PPC Advertising

Estate planning PPC advertising comes with its fair share of challenges. One of the key hurdles is standing out amidst fierce competition in the legal industry. With numerous estate planning firms vying for attention, crafting unique messaging that resonates with potential clients can be difficult. Additionally, continuous monitoring and analysis are essential to optimize campaigns and achieve desired results. 

PPC requires diligent metrics tracking, adjusting bids, and refining ad copy to stay ahead. Moreover, PPC campaigns must align with overarching digital marketing goals to ensure consistent success. Integrating PPC with a holistic marketing strategy allows for cohesive messaging and a coordinated approach to attract and convert prospects effectively.

In summary, PPC is a lot of work!

Partner with Grow Law Firm for Success in Estate Planning PPC

Mastering estate planning PPC requires a comprehensive understanding of the strategies, challenges, and benefits involved. Throughout this guide, we've explored the key aspects of running successful PPC campaigns for estate planning attorneys. If a PPC campaign feels like more time and effort than you're able to dedicate, you can employ the help of experts.

Consider partnering with a professional PPC agency like Grow Law Firm. Our experienced professionals will guide you through every step of the process, from campaign setup and optimization to ongoing monitoring and analysis. We'll craft a customized PPC strategy that aligns with your firm's goals and drives measurable results.

Contact us now to discuss your specific needs and goals.

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