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How to Get More Business Law Leads for Attorneys

Discover valuable insights on generating leads and growing your practice.

11 min


Feb 28, 2024
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With over 14,000 attorneys in the US vying for corporate and entrepreneur clients, attracting new business law clients is very hard. To stand out, attorneys need to strategically promote their unique value. Moreover, potential clients start their journey with a legal practice through online research. This places increased importance on optimizing your digital presence to naturally connect with quality leads. 

This article explores strategies business lawyers can adopt to bolster their online presence. We will discuss why lead generation is important, 9 strategies to generate leads, and if buying leads is worth it. You can get more insight into this topic on the latest episode of the Grow Law Firm podcast, where host Sasha Berson spoke with Jonathan Fitzgarrald on Growing Your Law Firm Through Networking. Furthermore, don't miss the podcast episode "How to Amplify Your Law Firm's Talent with Deb Knupp, Managing Partner at GrowthPlay," part of the podcast series.

Join Sasha Berson as he speaks with Jonathan Fitzgarrald from Equinox Strategy Partners

Why Is Lead Generation Important for Business Lawyers?

Lead generation is the process of identifying and nurturing potential clients who are actively looking for legal services. Some key reasons legal lead generation is so important include:

  • Attract new clients: Lead generation helps you find new clients who are actively looking for legal services. This means you can grow your practice and increase your revenue.
  • Increase your visibility: By creating valuable content and promoting it through various channels, you can increase your visibility in the legal community and attract more eyes to your practice.
  • Differentiate yourself: In a crowded legal market, lead generation can help you stand out from other law firms and show potential clients why they should choose you over your competitors.
  • Cost-effective: Traditional law firm marketing methods like print ads and billboards can be expensive, but lead generation is a cost-effective way to reach potential clients and generate new business.
  • Building relationships: Lead generation provides an opportunity to build relationships with potential clients. These relationships can eventually lead to conversions and long-term client partnerships.
  • Revenue growth: A steady stream of leads ensures a healthy client acquisition rate, contributing to the financial success and sustainability of the practice.
  • Referrals and word-of-mouth: Satisfied clients who have benefited from the lawyer's services are more likely to refer their contacts or share their positive experiences. 
Learn everything you need to know about lead generation for lawyers in our guide.

10 Strategies to Generate More Business Law Leads

In any professional services industry, maintaining a consistent flow of new prospective clients is key to long-term success. Being able to source quality leads efficiently makes the difference between merely keeping busy and strategically expanding your legal practice. 

We have compiled nine effective strategies that can empower you to attract and convert more business law leads. These strategies go beyond traditional methods and tap into innovative approaches that align with the needs and preferences of your target audience. 

1. Create a GMB Profile for Your Business Law Firm

Creating a Google My Business (GMB) profile for your business law firm is a powerful strategy to increase your online visibility and attract more leads. GMB is a free service provided by Google that allows businesses to appear prominently in local search results and on Google Maps.

Google My Business for business lawyers
Lawyers need a Google My Business (GMB) profile to increase online visibility, display important information, and attract potential clients in local searches

To set up a GMB profile, start by claiming and verifying your business listing:

  • Claim your listing by searching for your business name on Google and clicking "Manage now." Then, follow the on-screen instructions to complete your profile claim.
  • Verify your listing through an SMS or phone call verification process

Once set up, optimize the profile by:

  • Uploading high-quality photos of your business law office location, team, etc.
  • Clearly stating the address, phone number, and services offered.
  • Adding engaging descriptions of your firm's expertise and client results.
  • Responding to reviews and frequently asked questions from clients.
  • Adding the link to your website for more information.
GMB for lawyers is crucial for any lawyer who want to grow their practice. Learn how to do it right.

2. Register for Local Legal Directories

Directories like these are often on the first page of search results. Taking the time to fully complete profile listings on these key sites, including areas of concentration, years of experience, and success stories, helps qualified clients seeking representation in niche practice areas to easily find your law firm.

Avvo for business law firms
Lawyers should register for legal directories to enhance their online presence. Profiles should include contact details, practice areas, and client reviews

Some directories business lawyers should consider include:

  • Martindale-Hubbell: One of the most prominent attorney directories, with filters for legal practice areas and jurisdictions. Provides a professional presence page.
  • Avvo: Consumer-focused directory that allows lawyers to claim and update their profile free of charge with background and areas of expertise.
  • SuperiorLawyers.com: Specifically highlights business lawyers with the opportunity to provide a biography, resume, and client testimonials.
  • Justia.com: Broad legal directory that verifies credentials for additional user trust when searching for local representation.
Learn how legal directories work.

3. Create a PPC Advertising Campaign

Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising is a powerful way to attract potential clients to your law firm's website and generate more leads. With business lawyer PPC advertising, you pay each time someone clicks on your ad, but the returns can be significant if done correctly. 

PPC for business lawyers
PPC ad copies appear at the top and bottom of Google search results pages, marked with the "Sponsored" label

To set up a PPC campaign:

  • Choose keywords related to practice specialties, jurisdictions, and common business legal matters.
  • Craft compelling ad copy highlighting your experience and solutions.
  • Design ads and landing pages to directly answer searcher questions.
  • Set daily budgets and let platforms' algorithms distribute ads.

Some popular platforms for running PPC campaigns include:

  • Google Ads: The largest and most widely used PPC advertising platform, allowing you to display ads on Google search results pages, partner websites, and YouTube.
  • Bing Ads: Microsoft's search engine advertising platform, which allows you to reach users on Bing search results pages and partner websites.
  • Social media marketing: Platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter offer robust advertising options to target specific demographics and reach a broader audience.
Struggle setting up a lawyer PPC campaign? Don't worry, we can help you with that!

4. Build Landing Pages That Convert Leads

You'll need optimized landing pages to capitalize on the new visitors driven to your site from directories, GMB listings, and PPC campaigns. The landing page should be compelling enough to engage prospects and convert them into leads.

Business law firm landing page
The main elements of a business law firm landing page include compelling headlines, clear contact information, service descriptions, and CTAs

Here are some tips for building landing pages that convert leads:

  • Clearly communicate your unique value proposition. Your landing pages should state what sets your law firm apart from others and why potential clients should choose your firm.
  • Use compelling headlines and descriptions. Your headlines and descriptions should be attention-grabbing and highlight the benefits of your legal services.
  • Use social proof. Include testimonials, reviews, and other forms of social proof to demonstrate that your law firm has a track record of success and satisfied clients.
  • Make it easy to take action. Use clear and prominent calls to action to encourage potential clients to take the next step, such as filling out a contact form or scheduling a consultation.
  • Optimize for mobile. Many potential clients may be surfing the internet from their mobile devices, so make sure your landing pages are optimized for mobile.
Landing pages for lawyers need to convert traffic into leads. Here's how to set it up.

5. Optimize Your Business Law Website

Your corporate law firm's website is often the first point of contact between your firm and potential clients. Therefore, you have to optimize it for various criteria to avoid high bounce rates and increase business lawyer lead generation.

Business law firm website design
Design is crucial for a business law firm website as it enhances credibility, professionalism, and the user experience

Some key things to focus on include:

  • Content: Make sure your website content is high-quality, informative, and engaging. Use keywords related to your law practice areas and prospective client needs to improve your search engine rankings.
  • User experience: Ensure your law firm web design is easy to navigate and has a clear, intuitive structure. Use clear and concise language, and avoid overwhelming potential clients with too much information.
  • Calls-to-action: Include clear and prominent calls-to-action on your website, such as "Contact Us" or "Schedule a Consultation," to encourage potential clients to take the next step.
  • Contact information: Make it easy for a potential client to contact you by prominently including your contact information (such as your phone number and email address) on your website.
  • Responsive design: Ensure that your website is optimized for mobile devices, as more and more potential clients are accessing the internet from their smartphones.
  • Load time: Make sure your website loads quickly, as slow-loading websites can deter potential clients.
  • Search engine optimization: Optimize your website for search engines using relevant keywords, meta descriptions, and header tags.
Law firm website is a foundation for your business. Get inspired to create the best possible website you can!

6. Capture Business Law Leads with Reviews and Referrals

Reviews from past clients and even peers make or break your law firm, depending on whether they are negative or positive. Since many individuals use a business law service based on the reviews they see on review sites and directories, the reviews have to be positive.

Reviews about a business law firm
Reviews have a significant impact on a business law firm's reputation as they showcase client satisfaction and trustworthiness

Ways to get reviews:

  • Encourage satisfied clients to leave reviews on Google My Business, Avvo, Yelp, and other review platforms.
  • Provide incentives for clients to leave reviews, such as discounts on future legal services or free consultations.
  • Respond promptly and professionally to all reviews, both positive and negative.
  • Use review management tools to monitor and manage your online reviews.

Referrals are gotten from past clients who've had great experiences and want to return the favor, fellow professionals you've assisted, and other contacts you met at industry events and conferences. You also get referrals from networking platforms like LinkedIn, where your connections can refer new leads. 

Here's how you can increase your lawyer review ratings.

Ways to get referrals:

  • Ask satisfied clients for referrals and offer incentives for successful referrals, such as discounts on future legal services or free consultations.
  • Offer referral fees to current clients who refer new business to your law firm.
  • Attend networking events and conferences to meet potential referral sources, such as other business owners and professionals.
  • Partner with other businesses and professionals in your area to cross-promote each other's services.
  • Use your law firm's website and social media pages to ask for referrals and provide testimonials from satisfied clients.
  • Offer free consultations to potential clients who are referred by current clients or other trusted sources.
Want to get way more law firm referrals? Read our guide and learn how!

7. Write Business Law Content That Ranks High

Creating useful content is more than just writing blog posts optimized for law firm SEO. You need multiple formats that provide potential clients wityh useful information.

Start with videos. These can excel at explaining complex topics simply. Consider recording short YouTube clips covering common legal issues, from LLCs to contract reviews. Audio also ranks well. Perhaps try an educational law podcast where you interview experts on trends in your niche.

In-depth guides and eBooks let you delve into procedures. Produce 50+ page downloadables walking through employee handbooks or trademark transfers step-by-step. Furthermore, infographics are also ideal for visual learners, simplifying processes into easy-to-understand images.

Whatever format you choose, optimize for relevant keywords in your practice area and ensure it teaches clients while subtly demonstrating your expertise.
Wonder how to write great law firm content? Then check out our guide

8. Offer Free Consultations

Not only does a free consultation allow potential clients to get a sense of your expertise and approach, but it also shows that you are committed to helping them achieve their legal goals.

A free consultation CTA
Business lawyers can offer free consultations through phone calls, video conferences, or in-person meetings

By offering free consultations, you can:

  • Build trust and establish a relationship with potential clients.
  • Demonstrate your knowledge and expertise in your area of practice.
  • Show that you are invested in their success.
  • Stand out from other law firms that may not offer free consultations.
  • Increase the chances of converting free consultations into paying clients.

During the consultation, take the time to listen carefully to grasp their legal needs and concerns fully. Offer helpful guidance and reassurance on the next steps without pressuring them into anything. If it is a good fit, they may retain you immediately or circle back later when issues arise. And even if you are not the right attorney currently, they'll remember your helpfulness and refer others.

9. Visit Law Conferences in Your Area

Law conferences are an effective way to gain access to a pool of prospective clients in one central location. These conferences provide opportunities to network and meet with potential new clients as well as referral sources face-to-face. They allow you to learn about new trends and technologies that can help your law firm grow while also positioning yourself as an expert in your area of practice.

By attending conferences, you are able to increase your visibility and credibility within the legal community.

This keeps your name top-of-mind for when local businesses may need a lawyer in the future, as relationships formed at conferences can lead to referrals down the road.

Legal conferences are really important for your law firm growth. Here are a list of ones happening this year.

10. Opt for Networking

Making the most of networking requires consistency and patience. While developing new relationships, keep in mind that meaningful connections that lead to business often emerge gradually, not immediately. It's crucial to make networking an ongoing, consistent activity so you can steadily nurture contacts over numerous interactions extending months or even years. This allows word-of-mouth referrals time to circulate through the connections you've cultivated.

Keep in mind that an average of twelve to fifteen contact points between professionals is required before one will hire or refer the other. So remain diligent in your outreach rather than expecting overnight success. Maintain regular correspondence with your networks through varied means, from in-person catchups to virtual events and written updates.

If you're dedicated to relationship-building in the long term, you can expand your client base substantially over time.

"Attorneys can't delegate their relationship building to me or anybody else and have it be successful. So kind of characteristic number one is they've got to be willing to roll up their sleeves and do part of the work that it's going to take to build their practice."
— Jonathan Fitzgarrald

Building Your Client Base through Consistent Networking with Jonathan Fitzgarrald

In this podcast episode, Jonathan Fitzgarrald emphasizes the importance of networking and building relationships in the legal profession. Fitzgarrald believes that your network is your currency and that focusing on a select group of around 15 key connections can lead to substantial success. He highlights the need for consistent and varied interactions with these individuals, as it takes time and multiple touchpoints to build trust and credibility. Fitzgarrald also discusses the common pitfalls lawyers face, such as failing to follow up or giving up too soon, and stresses the significance of accountability and a growth mindset in the networking process.

"Attorneys have to have that growth mindset and understand it's not gonna happen tomorrow. It's gonna happen over a number of years when the proper foundation has been set."
— Jonathan Fitzgarrald
Jonathan Fitzgarrald

Jonathan Fitzgarrald

Founder of Equinox Strategy Partners

Jonathan Fitzgarrald, Managing Partner of Equinox Strategy Partners, provides strategic counsel to help lawyers and law firms drive revenue and increase market visibility. With over 15 years of experience in sales and marketing at top law firms, he has developed proprietary strategies resulting in up to 20% increases in firm revenue.

Jonathan is a renowned presenter and quoted expert in major publications, empowering others through motivational coaching and leveraging his background in international humanitarian work and high-tech leadership.

Is Buying Business Leads Worth It?

The temptation to purchase leads directly can be alluring for busy law firms. After all, pay-per-lead services promise a steady stream of potential clients with just a few clicks. However, the quality and results of such generic leads are often disappointing.

Most lead generation companies cast their nets very wide without screening to ensure prospects are a good fit. As a result, many contacts have no real need for legal services or intent to hire. Chasing low-quality, unqualified leads wastes precious time that solo practitioners and small firms cannot afford.

A better option is partnering with an experienced marketing agency focused solely on the legal industry.

Unlike broad lead providers, specialist firms deeply understand the nuances of your practice area and target market. They utilize sophisticated tools to find active prospects most likely to become paying clients.

Specialist agencies like Grow Law Firm leverage relationships, first-party data, and proven strategies to deliver a steady flow of high-intent, qualified leads primed for engagement. Their vetting process ensures every contact will make the most of outreach efforts instead of going to waste.

How to Amplify Your Law Firm's Talent with Deb Knupp, Managing Partner at GrowthPlay, in the Podcast Series

In the episode, Deb emphasizes nurturing genuine connections with existing clients over chasing new prospects, crafting intentional "what's new" messages to activate networks, and investing in expert consultants. The discussion highlights shifting the perception of sales from self-interest to a client-focused service, mastering communication skills to identify client needs, and fostering long-term loyalty. By adopting this holistic approach, law firms can achieve predictable sales growth and build a robust sales engine within the firm.

"Relationship-building strategies are all about the tactics and the authentic reasons that we stay in front of people."
— Deb Knupp
How to Amplify Your Law Firm's Talent with Deb Knupp, Managing Partner at GrowthPlay
Deb Knupp

Deb Knupp

Managing Director at GrowthPlay’s

Deb Knupp, Managing Director at GrowthPlay, is a seasoned strategist and business development expert known for her invaluable insights into driving growth and success in the legal industry. With a wealth of experience, she specializes in helping law firms navigate the complexities of business development to achieve predictable sales growth.

As a prominent figure in the field, Deb emphasizes the importance of fostering genuine connections and prioritizing client relationships for accelerated business growth. Her pragmatic approach to sales and relationship-building strategies has earned her recognition as a trusted advisor and thought leader. Deb's dedication to empowering firms to build strong sales engines and approach interactions with authenticity sets her apart as a visionary in the legal business landscape.

Hiring a Business Law Marketing Agency vs. Buying Leads

Law firms have the option to buy leads from lead generation services or hire marketing agencies. Both options have their benefits and drawbacks, and the right choice for your firm will depend on your specific needs and goals. 

In this table, we'll compare hiring a business law marketing agency versus buying leads based on five key factors: speed, cost, quality, amount, and involvement.

Marketing agency Pay-per-lead service
Speed Time required for strategy development and implementation Fast set-up, but leads often low quality
Cost Monthly/annual retainers provide better value Inexpensive, upfront cost per lead but high burn rate
Quality Highly qualified leads that are a good fit for your firm Leads may not be as highly qualified or a good fit for your firm
Amount Large quantity but high waste Steady flow of high-intent prospects
Involvement Limited control over the lead generation process Collaborative approach with agency expertise

Grow Law Firm Will Help You with Business Attorney Lead Generation

There are so many ways to generate legal exclusive leads for business lawyers. Lead generation is highly important if you want to attract more potential clients and grow your law firm. In this blog we have discussed different strategies and tools that will help you do just that. However, navigating the world of lead generation can be complex and time-consuming. 

Grow Law Firm is a law firm SEO agency that specializes in helping business attorneys like you generate leads and grow their practices. Rather than cold pitches to random large volumes, we introduce corporate attorneys to active prospects intensely researching solutions in their local areas. 

Contact us today. Our personalized onboarding and ongoing support will help take your business law lead generation to the next level.

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