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Revolutionizing Your Law Firm with Tech featuring James Grant Founding Partner at Georgia Trial Attorneys

Join Sasha Berson as he speaks with James Grant, Founding Partner at Georgia Trial Attorneys 

1.5 min


May 25, 2023
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Sasha and James Explore

  • Apprehend the vital importance of entrepreneurial expertise for legal practitioners launching their own firms. 
  • Unravel the promising outcomes of concentrating on a specific niche for superior growth and victory in law offices. 
  • Realize the potential of adopting technological advancements and automation processes for exceptional performance. 
"The riches are always in the niches."
— James Grant
  • Crack the code to generate a self-governing business by onboarding proficient specialists.
  • Attain proficiency in artificial intelligence to remain up-to-date and secure a distinct advantage in the legal profession.
"This is about survival of the fittest, or rather survival of those who can adapt to the change that's already here. It's not coming, it is already here."
— Sasha Berson

Connect with Sasha Berson

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Email - info@growlawfirm.com

Phone - (312) 854-7724

James Grant

James Grant

Co-founding partner at Georgia Trial Attorneys

Meet James Grant, an experienced attorney and co-founder of Georgia Trial Attorneys. With a specialization in personal injury litigation, James has carved out a niche by offering his expertise as an outsourced litigation department for other law firms. Embracing technology and automation, James has been able to achieve operational excellence by streamlining processes within his firm. Since its inception in 2015, Georgia Trial Attorneys has experienced significant growth, with James at the helm guiding the firm's vision for the future.

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