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The 10 Best AI Tools for Lawyers in 2024: the Ultimate Guide

12 min


Mar 27, 2024
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Tired of late nights drowning in documents? AI is your new legal assistant, streamlining tasks, revealing hidden insights, and empowering you to deliver exceptional client service. From automating contract review to supercharging legal research, AI tools are transforming the legal landscape.  Reclaim your time, focus on strategy, and gain a competitive edge with data-driven case predictions.

The right AI tools can transform your practice, offering improved efficiency, accuracy, and client satisfaction. In fact, our clients at Grow Law Firm our increasingly adopting AI to benefit their firms. Interested in experiencing the benefits of artificial intelligence for yourself? Let's dive into some of the top legal AI tools and explore how they can empower your work.

To hear from a legal professional who's harnessed the power of AI, check out the podcast episode "Revolutionizing Your Law Firm with Tech" featuring James Grant, Founding Partner at Georgia Trial Attorneys.

What Are the Benefits of AI?

AI tools for lawyers are transforming the way legal professionals work. These sophisticated software solutions harness the power of artificial intelligence to enhance efficiency, precision, and decision-making. Legal AI tools can automate repetitive tasks such as document review and contract analysis, freeing up attorneys to focus on higher-level strategy, client interaction, and other billable work. Overall, the benefits of AI tools for lawyers include:

  • Streamlined workflows: Automation of routine tasks saves time and resources.
  • Competitive edge: Data-driven insights and predictive capabilities provide an advantage in the legal industry.
  • Efficiency gains for legal teams: AI legal assistant tools automate many time-consuming aspects of legal practice like the document review process, contract analysis, and the summarization of other legal documents.
  • Enhanced accuracy and risk reduction: Artificial intelligence excels at pattern recognition and data analysis, helping lawyers identify potential errors, inconsistencies, and risks that could be missed by human review.
  • In-depth legal research: AI-powered tools can quickly analyze vast databases of case law, statutes, and regulations, pinpointing the most relevant information for a case.
  • Predictive analytics: AI models can help attorneys assess the likelihood of case outcomes, leading to better-informed legal strategies.
  • Improved client experience: The time and cost savings facilitated by AI tools for lawyers can translate to enhanced client satisfaction and more competitive fee structures.
What Are the Benefits of AI

Best AI Tools for Lawyers: Top 10 with Dorna Moini

AI is transforming the legal industry. The best AI tools for lawyers empower attorneys to optimize research, automate tasks, and provide superior client services, driving innovation within the field.

1. Blue J L&E

Blue J Legal is an AI-powered tax analysis tool that helps lawyers and professionals make better decisions. Blue J uses machine learning to analyze tax laws and regulations, as well as provide predictions and recommendations regarding how these laws and regulations might be applied to specific situations. 

Lawyers and tax professionals can use Blue J to understand the tax implications of specific decisions better and identify potential risks or opportunities. Blue J can help lawyers and tax professionals make more informed and accurate decisions and save time by automating some of the more tedious aspects of tax analysis.

2. Jasper.ai

Jasper.ai is an AI-powered legal research tool that uses natural language processing (NLP) to analyze legal documents and provide lawyers with relevant case law, statutes, and regulations. It can help lawyers conduct legal research more quickly and efficiently, allowing them to find relevant information in minutes instead of hours. Jasper.ai can also help law firms save money by reducing the need for expensive legal research databases and improving the accuracy of legal research.

The screenshot is taken from Jasper.ai

3. Surfer

Surfer is an AI-powered SEO tool that can help law firms and lawyers optimize their website content for search engines. It uses machine learning algorithms to analyze website content and identify keywords and phrases relevant to the legal industry. Surfer can also provide suggestions for optimizing website content and improving search engine rankings. By automating SEO analysis and optimization, Surfer can save lawyers time and enhance the visibility of their websites to potential clients. Surfer can also help law firms develop business by identifying potential clients and markets based on search engine trends and patterns.

4. CSDisco

CSDisco is an AI-based eDiscovery platform that can help lawyers manage large volumes of electronic data during the discovery phase of litigation. It uses machine learning algorithms to identify relevant documents, categorize them, and remove duplicates and irrelevant information. CSDisco can help law firms save time and effort by automating the review of electronic documents and allowing lawyers to focus on billable work. Additionally, CSDisco can help law firms improve the accuracy of their legal work by reducing the risk of errors and omissions.

5. Diligen 

Diligen is an AI-powered contract analysis tool that can help lawyers review and analyze legal documents, including contracts, leases, and other legal forms. It uses machine learning algorithms to identify key clauses, provisions, and terms. It provides lawyers with insights and recommendations based on best practices and industry standards. Diligen can help law firms improve the quality and consistency of their legal work, reduce the risk of errors and omissions, and increase efficiency by automating routine contract review tasks.

6. Auto-GPT

Auto-GPT is an AI-based tool that can help lawyers automate the legal document drafting process. It uses natural language processing (NLP) to generate legal documents based on the user's input, such as the document type, the parties involved, and the desired outcome. Auto-GPT automates the process of drafting legal documents and allows lawyers to focus their attention elsewhere, like billable work. 

7. Smith.ai

smith.ai homepage
The screenshot is taken from Smith.ai

The AI tool is a virtual receptionist service that can help lawyers and law firms manage phone calls and client inquiries. Smith.ai uses natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning algorithms to understand and respond to client queries. It can handle routine tasks such as scheduling appointments, routing calls, and answering frequently asked questions. 

By automating these tasks, Smith.ai can save lawyers time and increase their productivity. Additionally, Smith.ai can help law firms manage their phone calls more efficiently by providing insights into call volume and quality metrics.

8. Gideon

Gideon is an AI-powered legal research tool that can help law firms with their legal research and case analysis. It uses NLP and machine learning algorithms to analyze case law and statutes and identify patterns and trends. Gideon can assist lawyers in finding relevant cases, identifying key legal issues, and even predicting the outcomes of cases based on historical data. Gideon can automate legal research and analysis to save attorneys time and increase the accuracy of their legal guidance. Additionally, Gideon can help law firms develop business by identifying potential clients and markets based on legal trends and patterns.

9. Evisort

Evisort is an AI-powered contract management tool that can help lawyers review and analyze legal documents, including contracts, leases, and other legal forms. It uses machine learning algorithms to identify key clauses, provisions, and terms. It provides lawyers with insights and recommendations based on best practices and industry standards. Evisort can help law firms improve the quality and consistency of their legal work, reduce the risk of errors and omissions, and increase efficiency by automating routine contract review tasks.

10. Gavel.io

Gavel.io is a versatile platform that empowers lawyers and law firms to streamline their document drafting process and increase efficiency. With its user-friendly interface and a wide range of features, Gavel.io offers a comprehensive solution for automating repetitive tasks and generating customized legal documents.

The screenshot is taken from Gavel.io
  • Customization: It provides customizable templates and workflows that can be tailored to meet the specific needs of each practice area whether it's estate planning, family law, real estate, or corporate law
  • Accessibility: The platform offers versatile pricing plans, allowing law firms of all sizes to access its benefits. This flexibility ensures that Gavel.io is accessible to solo practitioners, small and mid-sized firms, and large legal organizations.
  • Efficiency: The tool streamline workflow by providing seamless collaboration and centralized data storage. Lawyers can effortlessly collaborate with clients and colleagues, ensuring a smoother and more efficient document creation process.
"So in terms of time saved, we actually recently did a study on three different practice areas that are very often built on our platform, estate planning, family law, and corporate. And we surveyed some of our customers on their automation process. And we found that they saved between 85% and 90% of the time that they were previously spending on these types of document drafting and these types of processes."
— Dorna Moini
Join Sasha Berson as he speaks with Dorna Moini, CEO and founder of Gavel
Dorna Moini

Dorna Moini

Founder and CEO of Gavel.io

As an attorney herself, Moini found that much of her time was spent on routine and repetitive tasks rather than practicing law. This frustration led her to build the initial version of what became the Gavel platform. The product allowed Moini to automate document drafting and see significant time savings in her practice within the first weeks. Through her experience, Moini identified legal document automation as key to enabling attorneys to focus more on client services and complex work.

Essential Factors in Evaluating Legal AI Software

When choosing an AI legal assistant tool for your law firm, there are several critical factors to consider:

  • Security Compliance: Protecting confidential client information is of paramount importance. Look for tools with robust security measures, including encryption, access controls, and adherence to industry-leading security protocols.
  • Workflow Alignment: Does it address the specific pain points within your legal practice? Consider the types of work it automates, the depth of its legal research capabilities, and its ability to improve efficiency in your primary areas of focus.
  • User-Friendliness: An intuitive user interface is essential. Tools that are overly complex can lead to low adoption rates across your firm.
  • Seamless Integration: Seamless integration with your current case management software, document systems, or other key tools enhances productivity and avoids data silos.

By prioritizing these features, you'll find a generative AI tool or AI-powered solution that actually improves the quality of legal services you provide.

AI tools for lawyers

The Future of Law is AI: Grow Law Firm Can Help

AI holds immense potential to transform the way legal firms operate. The right AI tools for lawyers can streamline processes, boost efficiency, and unlock insights that the average, overworked human eye may not spot.  By incorporating AI into your practice, you free up time for strategic and billable work, leading to better client satisfaction and greater potential for law firm growth.

Want to harness the power of AI and boost your online visibility to get more clients? That's where Grow Law Firm excels. Our lawyer SEO agency has in-depth knowledge of AI and how it can enhance your law firm's digital presence to get you more prospective clients. Contact us today to explore how we can help your firm generate more revenue!

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Revolutionizing Your Law Firm with Tech featuring James Grant Founding Partner at Georgia Trial Attorneys, in the Podcast Series

In the podcast episode, Sasha and Jonathan explore essential principles for entrepreneurial success in the legal industry are discussed. Key points include the value of treating employees well, mastering niche specialization, leveraging referrals, and embracing persistence and ongoing education. Additionally, the significance of branding, storytelling, and team cultivation is emphasized, providing listeners with a concise guide to setting their firm apart and achieving success in the competitive landscape of law.

"The riches are always in the niches."
— James Grant
Revolutionizing Your Law Firm with Tech featuring James Grant Founding Partner at Georgia Trial Attorneys
James Grant

James Grant

Co-founding partner at Georgia Trial Attorneys

Meet James Grant, an experienced attorney and co-founder of Georgia Trial Attorneys. With a specialization in personal injury litigation, James has carved out a niche by offering his expertise as an outsourced litigation department for other law firms. Embracing technology and automation, James has been able to achieve operational excellence by streamlining processes within his firm. Since its inception in 2015, Georgia Trial Attorneys has experienced significant growth, with James at the helm guiding the firm's vision for the future.


  • What can AI legal tools be used for?

    AI legal tools can be used to streamline and optimize various aspects of the legal profession, such as the review of documents, research processes, and accessing and analyzing vast amounts of legal information. These AI tools for lawyers offer enhanced efficiency and accuracy, enabling legal professionals to deliver exceptional services to their clients.

  • What are the ethical considerations of using legal AI tools?

    When using legal AI tools, ethical considerations include ensuring regulatory compliance, safeguarding client confidentiality, and maintaining transparency. It is crucial to evaluate the accuracy, fairness, and bias of AI algorithms, while also considering the potential impact on human judgment and the attorney-client relationship when incorporating AI into legal practices.

  • Will AI eventually replace lawyers?

    While AI tools have the potential to automate certain legal tasks, the likelihood of AI completely replacing lawyers is low. A Deloitte study predicts that AI could automate around 100,000 legal roles by 2036, resulting in significant cost savings for the industry. However, the complexities of law, the need for human judgment, and the attorney-client relationship make it unlikely for AI to fully replace lawyers.

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